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Clive Redman

Saw this interesting interview with Chrissy Powell... they guy's a legend...

You seem to be remembered fondly by fans of all the clubs you’ve played for, why do you think that is?
CP: Whoever you play for, you’ve got to remember that you’re wearing the shirt and you’re lucky to be part of the club. You should represent them in the way the fans want you to. They know you’re not going to win every game, but they want you to give them a bit of pride. People always talk about passion, but we’re all built differently. Some have inward passion and don’t show it outwardly, but I think your attitude towards the club, the team and the fans should always be at the forefront of your mind.

For more see...

Nice find, Clive and welcome to the board. Nice reminiscences in there about his old man and Clyde Best. Can we dare to dream that Sir Chrissy might manage us one day ... (wistful sigh) ... :Worthy: