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Christmas Weigh Ins....

Ended up 14st 9lbs on New Year's Day / 14st 7lbs yesterday.
Struggling to take it further now as I've hit a real plateau!

You've most likely hit a plateau because your doing the same exercise and your body has become accustom to doing that movement over and over again, so therefore your body has no reason to add extra muscle. I suggest going onto another exercise (with a different movement to one previous exercise(s)) to work on the muscles that may not have been strained in previous workouts.

Whether you take this advice or tell me to shove it where the sun doesn't shine is your choice.
Good advice, thanks. Lost most of the weight through cycling and weights. Bizarrely, I got in 20 minutes ago from my second attempt at HIIT in my efforts to mix it up as you've said.

And I'm busily wikipedianating "Fartlek" as we speak. Looks worth a go.


Fartlek is basically HIIT... Walk, Jog and Sprint at 10 seconds each per cycle, repeated for 20 minutes or so. 99.9995% of football clubs incorporate it in their pre-season schedules.
You've most likely hit a plateau because your doing the same exercise and your body has become accustom to doing that movement over and over again, so therefore your body has no reason to add extra muscle. I suggest going onto another exercise (with a different movement to one previous exercise(s)) to work on the muscles that may not have been strained in previous workouts.

Whether you take this advice or tell me to shove it where the sun doesn't shine is your choice.

Fartlek is basically HIIT... Walk, Jog and Sprint at 10 seconds each per cycle, repeated for 20 minutes or so. 99.9995% of football clubs incorporate it in their pre-season schedules.

Thanks both. The exercise I did today was 45 minutes on a cross-trainer exchanging one minute sprints with one minute 'jogs'. Burned about 700 calories and it felt great.

Now before I OBL the life out of the thread, who won the prize for biggest Christmas splurge?

:offtopic: :whistling:
Weighed in 15.6 stone on New years day. The heaviest i have ever been. Having reached the end of my 34w jeans and ventured into the unknown territory of 36w i have got bang on the dieting.

Weighed myself yesterand i am 15.1 stone. Hope to get down to 13 stone by the end of feb.
I was 13 stone 5lbs on New Years Day, down to 13 stone 2lbs. Trying to eat healthier this year and cut out all the junk food. Need to get back to the gym aswell.