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Dave Smith Tribute Event

We are thrilled to announce that we will be holding a Dave Smith Tribute Evening on Saturday 18th February 2023.
Dave used just 49 players during his seven year managerial reign at Roots Hall, all have been invited and so far we have 28 of them coming, it is all set to be a huge reunion event of stories and memories.
Following a brief pre-sale to Shrimpers Trust members just 30 tickets remain at just £15 each, so book quickly to avoid disappointment!
The buy link you need is: https://www.shrimperstrust.co.uk/shop.asp?catid=5
We hope to see you there!
Poster final.jpg
We are thrilled to announce that we will be holding a Dave Smith Tribute Evening on Saturday 18th February 2023.
Dave used just 49 players during his seven year managerial reign at Roots Hall, all have been invited and so far we have 28 of them coming, it is all set to be a huge reunion event of stories and memories.
Following a brief pre-sale to Shrimpers Trust members just 30 tickets remain at just £15 each, so book quickly to avoid disappointment!
The buy link you need is: https://www.shrimperstrust.co.uk/shop.asp?catid=5
We hope to see you there!
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What a fantastic initiative. Well done for organising and I hope this is the roaring success it should be.
Thanks just bought my ticket and Roots Hall win against Gateshead followed by a trip down memory lane would be a good day.

Thanks - I should get a list tomorrow or Weds from the Trust site of the latest purchasers and then will email you the ticket (via SUEPA email).

Should be a great eve, Not covered on the poster as not room:

- evening opened by Kev Maher
- Stadium Photography exhibition
- tribute video to Dave
- anyone turning up in a Southend United shirt will be invited to take part in a full ex player group pic (hoping for Ronnie, Inchy and Spanner to bring their 76-83 retro shirts!)
- raffle with some great prizes
- Derek will sign/dedicate his books as required
- possibly (not yet sorted) there may be a very special live track performed by a local singer/songwriter (no, not Alf!)

........... and Steve Goodwin is flying over from Norway for this, with Sean Rafter coming over from France. Many of the players have not seen each other for around 40 years.
@Suffolk Shrimper In Dorset .Sorry to stick my nose in where it's probably not wanted, but is the above flyer supposed to read LEADership instead of LEANership?

May not be wrong (or even matter) but thought it could pose some awkwardness down the line if incorrect.
Thanks but it is spelt correctly. It's a rebranding of a business run by a mate (we went together to our first match at Roots in 1971)
We are pleased to announce that Shrimper fan and singer-songwriter Adam Duffill will be performing a track (possibly a new one) to open up the second half of our Dave Smith Tribute event on 18 Feb 2023. And with another former player confirming attendance during the week to bring the total now to 29 Smithy era Shrimpers, all is set for it to be a really great night which has now sold out. We will though set up a reserve list for tickets so if you are interested just email us at suepassoc@gmail.com

We've just had a couple of ticket returns for folk that can no longer make our sell out Dave Smith Tribute Event on Saturday. It is going to be a great, and we are sure emotional, night. So, if you would like to join us please email suepassoc@gmail.com First come first served!
Yep, 3 guys who were definitely the worse for drink and who refused to be quiet, standing at the bar and talking throughout the 1st half, including answering a phone call. I spoke to them politely twice and asked them to keep their voices down, a couple of others did too, but then someone sitting in front of them was a bit more forceful in his language and we called the interval and they were asked to leave.
Yep, 3 guys who were definitely the worse for drink and who refused to be quiet, standing at the bar and talking throughout the 1st half, including answering a phone call. I spoke to them politely twice and asked them to keep their voices down, a couple of others did too, but then someone sitting in front of them was a bit more forceful in his language and we called the interval and they were asked to leave.

Yep, there's always someone! They were uninvited guests without tickets. Well marshalled out in the end and didn't spoil a fantastic event. Loads of news and pics up on SUEPA social media later when get home