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Very sad to hear of the death of Carrie Fisher, Princess Leia - one of the iconic Characters of our generation.

Now her mum, and actress Debbie Reynolds can be added to the list of legends that have passed away this year. Older zoners will remember her from her role in "singing in the rain".
I did have George Michael down as a banker for 2017 - I dreamt he died in September (there is a Tweet as evidence), then the following day in an interview Elton John said something that made me think all was not well.

Going to definitely include both adult McCann's for 2017
If your referring to the Queen, don't be so gullible, it wasn't even a believe twitter hoax. Just a guy wishing he could get a few extra days off work after January 3rd.
The latest points with a day or so to go. I have decided to bow out of running the deadpool. Gt Yarmouth Shrimper has very kindly offered to take over.

5 points:
The Big Shrimp

4 points:

3 points:
Gt Yarmouth Shrimper

2 points:
Clinton Baptiste - Defending Champion

All on 1 point:
Billericay Blue
C C Csiders
Crabby Shrimper
Genial Harry Grout
Rob B
Yorkshire Blue
That's a shame MIAS but thank you for everything you've done. I'm sure GYS will do a great job!