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Yorkshire Blue

Super Moderator⭐
Staff member
With the signing of Mantom apparently imminent our squad seems in decent shape for the start of pre-season.

Subject to contract

GK Oxley, T. Smith, Bishop, Bexon
RB Demetriou, Bwomono, White
LB Coker, Hendrie, Kyprianou, Bowmono, White
CB Turner, White, Kiernan, Kyprianou, Ferdinand, Hendrie, Coutts, Curran
CM Yearwood, Mantom?, ????, Gard, Klass?, H. Phillips, Batlowka
W McLaughlin, Kightly, Barratt
CF Robinson, Hopper, Cox?, Wabo, Ba

We seem to be a bit defender heavy. Anton is of course listed, so he could go before the window and I wouldn't rule out another departure. Alternatively, might one of the defenders be used further forward - Demetriou finished the season in centre-mid, Kyprianou played a holding midfield role for Cyprus u21s and Hendrie is better going forward than back so might he end up on the left-wing?

We should sign Mantom but we still need at least another central midfielder. Maybe one who can also play wide midfield - the second coming of Mark Bentley would be ideal.

Even with the second coming of Mark Bentley, I'd like another player who was good in the air. Only Turner is dominant in the air and a second player would really help for set pieces at both ends.
Ouch. Looking at that shows me that we are serverly lacking in 3 areas and dont have anything close to a good squad.

Will need another CB if Anton goes and Kiernan doesn't get out of his wheelchair
Need at least one Winger. NKightly cant play every game and Macca is injury prone, and Barrett is untried at this level.
Need at least one Centre Mid, if not two as Dru is young and currently injured, Mantom has a poor injury record, and you need at least 4.
Forwards. Again need at least aonther one, and that is if Cox signs. If not we need two.

I would say we are at least 4, if not 5 players short.
Ouch. Looking at that shows me that we are serverly lacking in 3 areas and dont have anything close to a good squad.

Will need another CB if Anton goes and Kiernan doesn't get out of his wheelchair
Need at least one Winger. NKightly cant play every game and Macca is injury prone, and Barrett is untried at this level.
Need at least one Centre Mid, if not two as Dru is young and currently injured, Mantom has a poor injury record, and you need at least 4.
Forwards. Again need at least aonther one, and that is if Cox signs. If not we need two.

I would say we are at least 4, if not 5 players short.

It's mid-June. Plenty of time to add depth pieces.
True, but its not the depth part thats worrying me, that I think we have. Its the first team part in front of the depth that I am worried about!
I don't agree with that, I think the first team looks pretty decent - Oxley, Demetriou, White, Turner, Coker, McLaughlin, Yearwood, Mantom, Kightly, Hopper, Cox.

I do think we need more depth though, especially in centre midfield.