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Bolton have accidentally published ahead of schedule and removed it but can still be seen here: http://webcache.googleusercontent.c...firmed-3167696.aspx+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk

In summary:
  • 16 regional groups of 4 with at least one B team, one League 1 and one League 2 team in each.
  • 3 points for a win, 1 for a draw and a penalty shoot out in the event of a draw for a second point.
  • B teams will play at their club's first team ground.
  • Top 2 qualify for knock out round which remains regional, group winners at home, runners up away.
  • 90 mins then penalties, no extra time.
  • Round 3 and 4 will not be regional.
  • Semi-finals will be one knock out game.
  • Final at Wembley in April.
Enough to make you lose interest before it's even started. Which Prem (junior) teams does anyone think will be the
two finalists?
I honestly don't think the Premier League B teams will make the final. The standard of L1 is higher than the Premier League reserves league.
Club and poke it on this one don't forget we were one of the few teams that SOLD OUT to the idea
Do Prem clubs have to compete, or is it optional for them?

No, Category 1 Premier B Teams aren't forced to compete, but they most certainly will.

Also newly Championship club Newcastle are in it. For example, should they (or anyone else) decide to pull out, then Norwich will fill in the gap, then Aston Villa and so on. (as long as they are cat 1). and its based on their final league position.

There are 20 Category 1 clubs in the english leagues, and 16 clubs entering the competition, so it will effectively need 5 clubs to pull out in order to put a spanner in the works, so to speak.
Didn't care about the old version so not put out by changes and doubt Ill care a lot for this one either.

Lets see how few people attend the game if we get Arsenal away. No one will want to go the Emirates Im sure. Hmmn.
I'm looking forward to the new format competition. We might get to see some quality players, and have a chance to visit some fantastic stadiums.

The way things were, I thought this might be the last season for the competition.
Personally going to boycott this trophy this year - still disgusted we voted for it.
We are treated with such disregard by the Premier League yet we continue to take it up the arse.:thumbdown:
I know how you feel, this is just the early days of Premier B teams entering the league.

I'm not totally boycotting it as such, but as in other years, I certainly wont be attending any Premier league B teams we face (home or away!).

Although, I must say I am a big fan of the cup competition, so I will most likely attend Roots Hall if we get a "normal" league One or Two club, or travel away if it's a local Tuesday night game.
The way the Premier League blackmailed clubs into accepting this means I will be boycotting any B team games, other games should be the ones we go to.
The way the Premier League blackmailed clubs into accepting this means I will be boycotting any B team games, other games should be the ones we go to.

Exactly this.

What I said.

If all the fan's did this, All the Chairmen of league one and two will see a major gap in the bank balance of a loss when facing a Premier league B team. I would rather show up at Crawley on a cold Tuesday night in February, then a visit to Stamford Bridge, or the Olympic Stadium Etc.. just to give them further fuel to add to their greedy financial reasons as to why a Premiership B team should be included into the football league.
The way the Premier League blackmailed clubs into accepting this means I will be boycotting any B team games, other games should be the ones we go to.

Bribed rather than blackmailed. The option was always there for the clubs to vote against it with no repercussions - they took the bribe.
Bribed rather than blackmailed. The option was always there for the clubs to vote against it with no repercussions - they took the bribe.

You have a point Mick, hence the recent increase into funding from the Premier league to the Lower leagues. in the old day's we used to call it a "sweetener".
Bribed rather than blackmailed. The option was always there for the clubs to vote against it with no repercussions - they took the bribe.

Someone who attended the Stevenage AGM said that the Director mentioned that if they hadn't accepted it then their funding from the Premier League would have been reduced, to say the least.
Boycott, absolute no brainer. I don't care where the game is against a B team I won't be attending as it is not a full first-team fixture.