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Blue tinted optimist⭐
Oct 28, 2003
Cloud cuckoo land
Grays manager Mark Stimson has told Southend United to think again if they expect to clinch Freddy Eastwood's signature with a nominal fee.

Stimmo, himself an ex-Shrimper and one time teammate of current boss Steve Tilson, said: "I think it's wishful thinking on Southend's part that they want him for a small figure because he is scoring goals at League level now."

"When that happens there is going to be a lot of interest in him because he is a proven goalscorer and there are not many of them around these days."

Freddy, who has scored four times in two games for the Shrimpers, including a sensational debut hat-trick, is contracted to Grays for two more years.

That was posted this afternoon. Doesn't sound like he's signed to me.
Those comments were in the Echo too. They seem to back up what I was saying earlier on another thread (much to the chagrin of Barry the dog, I'm sure)...
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Spaceman Spiff @ Oct. 21 2004,16:58)]Those comments were in the Echo too. They seem to back up what I was saying earlier on another thread (much to the chagrin of Barry the dog, I'm sure)...
Keep them silly comments coming boy.

You being a total sausage jockey would probably be chuffed if he didn't sign so you can say to everyone i told you so, then you would go home and have a **** to celebrate.

I hope he signs ASAP and we can shove your comments right down your big mouth.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Barry the dog @ Oct. 21 2004,17:17)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Spaceman Spiff @ Oct. 21 2004,16:58)]Those comments were in the Echo too. They seem to back up what I was saying earlier on another thread (much to the chagrin of Barry the dog, I'm sure)...
Keep them silly comments coming boy.

You being a total sausage jockey would probably be chuffed if he didn't sign so you can say to everyone i told you so, then you would go home and have a **** to celebrate.

I hope he signs ASAP and we can shove your comments right down your big mouth.
Easy, Bazza.

Spiff may be a total plank (obviously), but he's also as much of a Shrimpers nut as the rest of us.

I can't imagine there'd be a single happy punter on here were Fredy to be snapped up by Brentford, Swindon or whoever...


As for the press... I'd take Stimson's comments with a shaker-full of salt. He's hardly going to say "Since it's Southend, we'll let him go for a song...", is he?


The positives are:

Fredy clearly wants [or wanted] to play for us...  

He is without a doubt (potentially) the best striker seen at the Hall in a long while...
Performances and attendances are both on the up at Southend, so funding could be made available...
I think he will sign for us BUT it won't be easy!!!

The negatives are:

Other clubs will undoubtedly be interested and will be monitoring his progress...
Grays could be greedy and say they want £70k, £100k, £150k etc...
Fredy is probably going to take the best deal for him and his family irrespective of locality...

There are so many ifs, ands, or buts, I could go on ad-infinitum, but I prefer to think that nothing is out of our reach IF we really want it and that is down to Uncle Ron and of course that nice fellow Stevie Tilson to sort out.

Watching this space!  