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Furlough stories

Tangled up in Blue

Certified Senior Citizen⭐
May 24, 2004
Sant Cugat del Vallès
Anyone got any? To start the ball rolling this is something I posted on another thread yesterday:-

Heard an awful furlough story yesterday about a mate of our younger daughters (a young Scottish lad).Basically he's been furloughed by his teaching company and being paid 50% of his salary by the company,the Spanish Govt .paying 30%.So he's being paid 80% of his normal salary.Yet he's expected to work 40 hours online FT changing the business from a presential F2F one to an online teaching business.This is obviously not sustainable once the furlough scheme ends here.

Other stories been on the news about companies putting people on furlough and employing other workers more cheaply to do their jobs.Disgraceful.
I work as a contractor and furlough is a constant threat, particularly over the Xmas period - we don't get paid for it either.

I make sure I allocate 2 weeks holiday for Xmas with the assumption I won't be working anyway so I can make sure I bill as many days as possible throughout the year.

Thing is Xmas is when I would least like time off work. Most of the things I want to do are outdoors.
I can't see the logic of the £1000 payment for un-furloughing staff

Compensating companies for reduced working hours would have been more effective in my opinion.
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I can't see the logic of the £1000 payment for un-furloughing staff

Compensating companies for reduced working hours would have been more effective in my opinion.

Bit hard to calculate though.

I can see the logic, as some companies would have made redundancies.
I have a friend who works in HMRC in the fraud department/investigation department (or whatever they call it) and have been told that numerous firms/companies are currently under investigation for abuse of the furlough.
Many reports are coming directly from the employees themselves and HMRC are taking note of every detail they are given and in my view rightly so
I have a friend who works in HMRC in the fraud department/investigation department (or whatever they call it) and have been told that numerous firms/companies are currently under investigation for abuse of the furlough.
Many reports are coming directly from the employees themselves and HMRC are taking note of every detail they are given and in my view rightly so

I have a friend who works in HMRC in the fraud department/investigation department (or whatever they call it) and have been told that numerous firms/companies are currently under investigation for abuse of the furlough.
Many reports are coming directly from the employees themselves and HMRC are taking note of every detail they are given and in my view rightly so

HMRC are understaffed, underpaid and completely useless. I doubt they will have the time or resources to go after them. Never mind the employees who are probably not being truthful about their situation and are doing it for karma.
Many who are furloughed are already redundant they just don't know it yet.
This is not what the furlough scheme was for and hence I think why the Chancellor is now offering incentives for companies to get staff back on the payroll. Once things get back to something like normal (which won’t be for a long while in my industry) the staff will be needed, well the good staff, to hit the ground running again but the brutal truth is, not as many. Sadly nobody can predict the future, just throw projections around and so panic is bound to set in come August. I think the Govt message is “don’t be too hasty to offload staff”
As I've also put on another thread, I know plenty of people on their 80% furlough who've been effectively blackmailed to work at least part of the time "to keep the company going", and yet not received any top up or pay despite other people being back fully employed.
As I've also put on another thread, I know plenty of people on their 80% furlough who've been effectively blackmailed to work at least part of the time "to keep the company going", and yet not received any top up or pay despite other people being back fully employed.
Then they should let HMRC know.
Mind you most probably people would be to worried about losing their jobs so I suppose it puts them in a quandary.
Still not right though.
Then they should let HMRC know.
Mind you most probably people would be to worried about losing their jobs so I suppose it puts them in a quandary.
Still not right though.

They should certainly join a union at least ,which is what I've recommended our daughter's mate to do.Glad I was a "comisiones obreras" member when the outfit I used to work for made me redundantback in the day.
As I've also put on another thread, I know plenty of people on their 80% furlough who've been effectively blackmailed to work at least part of the time "to keep the company going", and yet not received any top up or pay despite other people being back fully employed.
If firms are doing that because it means they stay in business then I know it’s “wrong” but I would do the same.
Likewise I would prefer to be “blackmailed” I’d it meant I had a job at the end of this .
Two sides to every story. If firms are just taking the **** that’s a different Story.
One od my best mates was furloughed and has. Ow been made redundant. Pretty sure if Working thru furlough meant he would now have a job he would have bitten your hand off.
If firms are doing that because it means they stay in business then I know it’s “wrong” but I would do the same.
Likewise I would prefer to be “blackmailed” I’d it meant I had a job at the end of this
Two sides to every story. If firms are just taking the **** that’s a different Story.
One od my best mates was furloughed and has. Ow been made redundant. Pretty sure if Working thru furlough meant he would now have a job he would have bitten your hand off.

Pretty sure that this will be the reality for many firms.Guess the unemployment figures at the end of Q3 will reveal the extent of this scam.
HMRC couldn't find their assholes with both hands. And if they could, this government would let them. Philip Green furloughs 14000 staff? Beckham woman would have done loads but for publicity? This country is ****ed and will get worse in January. Oh sorry "politics".

Then they should let HMRC know.
Mind you most probably people would be to worried about losing their jobs so I suppose it puts them in a quandary.
Still not right though.