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Great Day For Motorsport!!


I’m a Mod, that’s unpossible⭐⭐
Staff member
Dec 21, 2003
Alonso wins the first ever night race in singherpoor and Valentino Rossi becomes the 6 times world MotoGP champion.

It could not of been a better weekend for motorsport.
I had a feeling you'd be chuffed! He drove very well today, even if some of it was more down to the luck of the safety cars timing. Lewis is 7 points clear too. Still, he was 16 clear at the same stage last year.

Good first night race. Bit of a dull track though...
I had a feeling you'd be chuffed! He drove very well today, even if some of it was more down to the luck of the safety cars timing. Lewis is 7 points clear too. Still, he was 16 clear at the same stage last year.

Good first night race. Bit of a dull track though...

I thought exactly the same thing, the track seemed very narrow not many places to over take.
I thought exactly the same thing, the track seemed very narrow not many places to over take.

Anyone getting a decent drive out of 6 could do something in 7 though, so there was an opportunity, unlike Monte Carlo.

I was disappointed Hamilton didnt have more of a go after the last safety car, surely he was quicker than Rosberg.
Well done Ricey for mentioning the Doctor (Rossi) i have followed his career with deep admiration since he started his gp career at 15. He really is a sporting legend of the highest order.
Well done Ricey for mentioning the Doctor (Rossi) i have followed his career with deep admiration since he started his gp career at 15. He really is a sporting legend of the highest order.

Same here, I was always a Carl Fogarty fan and always watched the process of Mick Doohan! Now I knew when I had watched the likes of these greats and Max Biaggi when I saw Rossi win his 1st championship in 125cc I knew he had class.

I am a massive fan of his and think he is one of the greatest sports personalities out there. He is a fun loving character and his constant change of bike designs and lids is brilliant.

I think it will be good to see him make it lucky 7 MotoGP titles next season, but I think he will have stiff competition from the massive up and coming talent of his team mate Gorgeous Jorge (Jorge Lorenzo). The boy has talent thats for sure.
I'm fairly sure he's learnt from last season experiences sir.

Well I am sure he has, I don't doubt that he will win the championship. It would take alot for him to mess it up now. Plus Massa is useless with his luck in his Ferrari.
Well Alonso did it again. Great racing by Kubica too; worth a punt?

But for all of you out there that think there isn't some agenda against McLaren / Ron Dennis / Hamilton, please explain some of those marshalling decisions yesterday?

Massa's drive through - Agree with the marshalls, he used the grass to get an unfair advantage when Hamilton had the driving line, and whilst he didn't have anywhere to go, he still drove into his opponent.

Hamilton's drive through - Can see where they're coming from (reckless driving by Lewis and you could argue he gained some advantage by using the run off down by turn one), however if you penalise him for that, you're setting a dangerous precedent and effectively SHOULD be reprimanding 1/4 of the pack on the average start. I'm convinced it was merely down to 'evening things out' with Massa.

Bourdais's disqualification - Disgraceful. The biggest, most blatant piece of back-handed cheating I have ever witnessed in this husk of a sport to date. He had the racing line. He had nowhere to go. He had position, no need to yield and a decent drive into the turn. He had the misfortune to have some immature **** drive into the side of him, and was lucky not to have his race ended there.

However Massa, had a big feck-off red car with a horse on it and therefore managed to get the guy disqualified after the race was over (neatly avoiding the controversy that would have ensued on live television) therefore depriving a struggling, hard working smaller team of some valuable points and gifting them a further one in the battle with Lewis.

Outrageous. If Lewis or Kubica loses this title by 1 point, I'll be livid...