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Has this just been another plot to get out of a snooker?

Oct 31, 2009
We've been here before, but has this just been another smoke and mirrors stalling tactic, with no intention to see through the deal.

Below I will say these are rumours of the past, but there is past form of this...

  • Tara Brady as CEO invested into the club - no return on the investment, other than a black eye from Moshni
  • Sainsburys paid £5.4m* for land they never got to build on - was this written off? Was it re-paid?
  • Numerous other's sold the dream of the new stadium to invest
Fast Forward 2024 - Consortium paying all the club day to day bills... with no end in sight... is it happening again? Money being sunk into a money pit, with no end result.

I'm hoping I'm wrong, and there is a real intention from Ron to sell, are a complex plan to see others have to write their money off into the Money Pit of SUFC?
No, why would he want to back out of the deal?

His concern is building a **** ton of flats. He’s prepared to trample all over people in trying to get this done but backing out of the deal doesn’t further this at all and would just hinder that.

The reason the deals keep collapsing is that it takes so long for him to do anything.

Don’t confuse incompetence with malice.
No, why would he want to back out of the deal?

His concern is building a **** ton of flats. He’s prepared to trample all over people in trying to get this done but backing out of the deal doesn’t further this at all and would just hinder that.

The reason the deals keep collapsing is that it takes so long for him to do anything.

Don’t confuse incompetence with malice.
How does someone so incompetent have a massive house and Bentley I could only dream of affording?
Another rumour is that Ron Martin owes a shed load of money (and a very big shed it is) that only the development of F. Farm can get him of the hole.

That can be seen as good for S.U.F.C. as this puts the onus on Ron to deliver ............. or you can see it as bad as the football club is just a minor side show compared with the financial problems that he has.

I have no idea what the situation is. [shoulder shrug; sad face]
No, why would he want to back out of the deal?

His concern is building a **** ton of flats. He’s prepared to trample all over people in trying to get this done but backing out of the deal doesn’t further this at all and would just hinder that.

The reason the deals keep collapsing is that it takes so long for him to do anything.

Don’t confuse incompetence with malice.
He will be dead before the flats are built and he gets his money