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Transfer News and Gossip Kabongolo Departs

Transfer news
I’d like to say thank you for being here and representing the club in our darkest hours. Thought he was decent when he played both in defence and attack but appreciate there is a budget
Let's not also forget that with the players we've signed and kept hold of, he was way down the pecking order for a start. His contract offer probably reflected this. So that, coupled with being down the list for the starting 11, may have made him fancy his chances elsewhere. No issues with that. We have Kensdale, Taylor, Ralph, Crowther and maybe Lomas. When all fit, he is probably 6th choice.

As others have said, played his part in earning valuable points and will always be respected for playing in different positions during a difficult time.

We thank him and move on.
This is disappointing.

Kabongolo has incredible physical attributes, and I wanted to see him develop into the CCB role. Especially as there was no rush due to his age and Kensdale’s place being secure.

But, as is always the case, we only want players who want to be at the club.
Disappointing news but we shouldn't be breaking wage structure/budget for players who aren't significantly important players.
He has gone from starting in the team to not now making the bench which he must have realised would likely happen when the embargo was lifted and the need for us to recruit more experienced players.Its always dissapointing that players want to leave but clearly Kev has said many times he only wants players who want to be at the club.We move on as always
This is disappointing.

Kabongolo has incredible physical attributes, and I wanted to see him develop into the CCB role. Especially as there was no rush due to his age and Kensdale’s place being secure.

But, as is always the case, we only want players who want to be at the club.
I guess my problem with this statement is, who was it that didn't want him to be here? Him or his old man?

Another damning indictment of football agency, whether it's a family member playing the role or not. I understand players wanting to be entirely hands off with contract stuff so they can just focus on football, but footballers in general seem to be a little bit too acquiescent to agents sometimes. At what point does a footballer step in and say "I'd rather stay here and I think you're being unrealistic with your demands for my wage - sort it out"?