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Laurent - Anyone seen him?


First XI
Oct 26, 2003
What's happened to him? I know some zoners posted that he was ill, but i can't find any confirmation on the OS....which only adds weight to something I've heard from someone I trust...that following a disciplinary his employment has been terminated for gross misconduct.

Honestly, I am not trying to start rumours. I just wondered whether anyone can confirm or refute this.

i've just asked about him on another thread! hope he hasn't been tic-tac'd. He's got a lot going for him and think he will make a great player sooner or later. can definately see him playing higher than this level. and i would LOVE him to start against chelsea. the millionaires wouldn't know what hit them!
What's happened to him? I know some zoners posted that he was ill, but i can't find any confirmation on the OS....which only adds weight to something I've heard from someone I trust...that following a disciplinary his employment has been terminated for gross misconduct.

Honestly, I am not trying to start rumours. I just wondered whether anyone can confirm or refute this.


bored tonight were we?? Decided to start a ****** rumour???

If you have evidence then post it!
Ricey chats to him on MSN from time to time, hopefully he'll come on later and put this rumour to bed.
Does Christophe sit next to him at he's computer translating what Ricey says? "He says you are almost as good as someone they call, Scott Forbes"