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Youth Team
To top off a crap night against Wimbledon, I left my wallet at the match. I was sitting in the 3rd row at the half way line in the west stand. I tried to go back to the stadium after but it was closed within 10 mins. It's a long shot but did anyone find a wallet? Also, what's my best case of action? Ring up the office tomorrow morning? IM not holding out hope that it will be found...
Don't give up hope, a couple of seasons back a mate of mine lost his wallet at the last game of the season, he rang the club and they searched for it, or so they said, but no sign. Third game of the following season he took his usual seat, hadn't been to the first two, as he dropped the seat to sit down his lost wallet promptly dropped to the floor.........
Bad luck mate, I hope it turns up for you. There are a lot of good people out there. I saw a bloke drop his wallet and drive off at a cash machine after he had filled up. Managed to track him down and deliver it too him that evening. I didnt expect anything but he gave me a nice bottle of plonk, so fingers crossed for you!!
Did the same a couple of seasons back. Whoever found it, handed it in to stewards and I got it back after the game, minus the £25 reward the finder had helped themselves to. I could swallow that not to cancel cards and buy replacement season tickets etc.