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Life President
As we go to a city we haven't lost in for 31 years, the man in charge tomorrow is Lee Collins from Surrey. He has been fast tracked through the system and rose to the level of League referee remarkably quickly, this being his third season.

He started his career off with 6 red cards in his first 11 matches, then calmed down a lot but then went a bit mad again last season.

His yellow card count has been steadfastly average but his clutches of red cards must be cause for concern. His 26 matches last season saw 79 yellows and 8 reds.

His last Southend match was the home League Cup defeat by Yeovil. A yellow for Prosser and four of theirs.

On his previous visit to Roots Hall he killed the game for Dagenham with a unjustifiable red card after 8 minutes (which was subsequently rescinded). ** irony alert **. A further yellow for Phillips and a comfortable 3-1 win thanks to two goals from Britt.

He has refereed Southend on two other occasions before that. More recently, Oxford away at the end of the season before last (one caution for us, two for them) and before that at, co-incidentally, Dagenham in the 3-2 League win when he cautioned Mohsni and again two of theirs. He didn't attract much comment, adverse or otherwise.

So we have a 100% League record with Mr Collins. He has just 15 yellows and one very harsh red from 7 games this season. His last game was abandoned.

Assistants will be Mike D'aguilar from Stafford and brummie Nick Hobbis (who was at Bury). Proper referee Phil Gibbs is 4th Official.