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Nicky Nicolau

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Fat Man Dancing @ Jan. 06 2005,13:35)] Also did any-one else notice at Kiddy at the end of the match most players got a big hug from Tilson and Nicky got a very brief shake of the hand  It spoke volumes for Tilsons opinion of Nicky
I'm sorry but that is rubbish. Nicky got a massive round of applause from Brushy and Tilly.
sorry Napster but you werent looking Brush gave Nicky a massive hug but Tilson did not
One half decent game and he's Ryan Giggs.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see him to do well but let's wait and see.
If he could do anything with his right foot, his threat would be so much greater.

Without wanting to dampen the enthusiasm, his workrate was probably his hunger to take his chance in the team . In short, Tilly and Brush should reward this workrate and make Gower work for his place in the team. I'm probably one of Gower's biggest fans but with the way everyone's playing, the team has to be picked on form.
Although I thought that he was good against Kiddy, I didn't think that his performance was amazing.

I felt that at times when we were under pressure, Nicky could have made more of the ball when he had it e.g. run at the Kiddy defence more often.
Easy solution. Drop Super Cheese Wilson who is our weakest player and play Nicolau at left-back. Pettefer can play left wing to protect Nicolau if the opposition start to cause us problems down the left.

Its not as if the division is full of quality right wingers waiting to rip us to shreds - if they were Super Cheese Wilson would have been found out by now.
ps Nicolau is a left-back, Super Cheese Wilson isn't.
That would be incredibly harsh on Che who has been producing his best performances in a Southend shirt over the past few games, he is (finally) looking like a competent defender - more so than Nicolau at any rate!
Che looks compotent only until someone runs at him. That is a major weakness.

I think it would be harsher to drop one of Gower, Bentley, Nicolau etc who can offer more than mere competency on a good day.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Hong Kong Blue @ Jan. 06 2005,18:07)]Che looks compotent only until someone runs at him. That is a major weakness.

I think it would be harsher to drop one of Gower, Bentley, Nicolau etc who can offer more than mere competency on a good day.
To be fair though, Nicky hardly looks secure when people run at him either (1st game of season anyone?) I'm not what you'd call a Wilson fan by any stretch but he does look a lot better recently, it would be pretty harsh to drop him in a period when our defensive play is showing signs of picking up.

If we've got strikers who are going to get in the box, then two wingers might be the way to go. however bearing in mind Freddy and Gray's tendency to drop off, is it really worth the risk of weakening the defensive side of midfield? i'd be inclined to let gower and nicky fight it out for the moment.
So true. For the first time this season, we look solid defensively and as a result, we're winning games without needing to play terribly well.

I'm not a Wilson fan but he has looked noticably better in the games I've seen at Christmas as opposed to those I saw before I went away to uni. Keep the defence as consistent as possible. Prior and Edwards should be professional enough to switch if their old legs get too tired.
My personal opinion of why we're now looking more secure at the back, (which is pretty obvious after my dissatisfaction when he was in the team) the disappearance of Duncan Jupp. Don't want to say told you so or anything.