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Question Ownership of SUFC,

Well then, Dan Shrimper,Kent Blues,Boy Wonder,Cricko,how pathetic you were to criticise my observation about ownership of the club, back in January.Basis today's consortium
statement,Ron Martin is still in effect the owner !! How poor your information is.
Well then, Dan Shrimper,Kent Blues,Boy Wonder,Cricko,how pathetic you were to criticise my observation about ownership of the club, back in January.Basis today's consortium
statement,Ron Martin is still in effect the owner !! How poor your information is.
Your claim was that Ron still has his "hand in the till", nobody disputed that he still owned the club until the sale was finalised.
Where have you seen that “rumour”?

“Ronnie boy” does not still have his hand in the till. That is nonsense.

RM will be completely gone soon enough.
This hasn`t aged well? Rat Boy is still here, and his legacy of debt still lives on with a possible winding up order to the legal company that didn`t want us wound up?
You cannot make this up, Rat Boy still using the club as a pawn in his pursuit of the flats at Fossett`s farm. He won`t instruct his financial people to sign off the sale, until he has Total clarification that he can build on FF. So, still down to councillors to make a decision to build on green belt land without a stadium? I hope for all our sakes that this turns out ok, the consortium, if they didn`t know what the rat was like, they do now.
This hasn`t aged well? Rat Boy is still here, and his legacy of debt still lives on with a possible winding up order to the legal company that didn`t want us wound up?
You cannot make this up, Rat Boy still using the club as a pawn in his pursuit of the flats at Fossett`s farm. He won`t instruct his financial people to sign off the sale, until he has Total clarification that he can build on FF. So, still down to councillors to make a decision to build on green belt land without a stadium? I hope for all our sakes that this turns out ok, the consortium, if they didn`t know what the rat was like, they do now.

It’s aged very well now though hasn’t it 😍