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Life President⭐⭐
Dec 10, 2006
Couldn't make the Stevenage match today but listened on BBC Essex. Peter Gilbert was guest co-commentator. He couldn't speak highly enough of Paul Sturrock. He said his preparation of games was second to none, working on Stevenage's game and how to combat, nulify and beat them, and working on Southend's game. He said his knowledge of the game was immense. He said he was a great motivator and very encouraging, and very respected and listened to by all the players.
Spoke to PG at B & L this week and he told me this face to face. also about the sense of relief in the dressing room after it was decided that the boss no longer needed his assistant.
Indeed, and part of the reason why I think Sturrock will keep him on. He obviously rates him, wasn't he his first signing?
Indeed, and part of the reason why I think Sturrock will keep him on. He obviously rates him, wasn't he his first signing?

I think he was, Kay. There were about 12 of them who all came in one day last summer if I recall correctly. I suspect that Blair may have been the first to know that he was going to be signed though.
Seeing Prosser at left back made me realise that Gilbert is a solid if unspectacular part of our team, definitely an adequate left back for League 2.
Seeing Prosser at left back made me realise that Gilbert is a solid if unspectacular part of our team, definitely an adequate left back for League 2.

Watching him get destroyed by many an average right winger has made me think he is not. Prosser is truely woeful but Gilbert for my mind is only looking a viable option as both Herd and Prosser are so weak. Personally I would move all three on in the summer altough I suspect Gilbert will stay.
Watching him get destroyed by many an average right winger has made me think he is not. Prosser is truely woeful but Gilbert for my mind is only looking a viable option as both Herd and Prosser are so weak. Personally I would move all three on in the summer altough I suspect Gilbert will stay.

I have a strange feeling that Prosser has got a chance of getting a new contract for next season. Dont get me wrong, some of his performances havent been great, but since his return from Rushden he has certainly improved. I reckon he'll be offerd a deal as 3/4th choice CB and maybe 2nd choice LB.

I also reckon he is cheap as chips which is almost as important.
Have to say I am quite relaxed about PS- he knows what he is doing and is building a good team spending next to nothing and avoiding loanees. He clearly inspires loyalty in players (and the few that that doesn't apply to I suspect its their problem not his frankly). I get a feeling of much needed stability coming back and a sustainable platform to take us forward.
Watching him get destroyed by many an average right winger has made me think he is not. Prosser is truely woeful but Gilbert for my mind is only looking a viable option as both Herd and Prosser are so weak. Personally I would move all three on in the summer altough I suspect Gilbert will stay.

We haven't seen anywhere near the best of him, Dave. There's a reason why he was Northampton's POTS last season and, and it's the same reason that he got such disgusting vitriol directed at him by Northampton's fans during both games this season. They loved him, he wa highly rated and they were gutted he left.

He came here carrying an injury and hasn't been fully fit all season. Now that he's settled down here and is having the hernia sorted, I think he'll be stand-out next season after getting a full pre-season behind him.
Agreed, Gilbert has been struggling all season long with injuries however he is a very decetn left back and a influential character amongst the squad. Easily a decent league one standard player and hopefully an op and good pre season allows us to see the 'real' Gilbert.

PS has done fantatsic under the circumstances, with the basis of a decent side already here, if we could add 4 decent players then next season we could easily challenge in such a weak division.
I feel we have the team now just need the strength in depth. Not a gambling man at all but will be very tempted to have a few pounds on promotion for next season.
We haven't seen anywhere near the best of him, Dave. There's a reason why he was Northampton's POTS last season and, and it's the same reason that he got such disgusting vitriol directed at him by Northampton's fans during both games this season. They loved him, he wa highly rated and they were gutted he left.

He came here carrying an injury and hasn't been fully fit all season. Now that he's settled down here and is having the hernia sorted, I think he'll be stand-out next season after getting a full pre-season behind him.

Agreed. Gilbert's form has been largely inconsistent and at times he has been very assured, although these are obviously interspersed with games where he has been below par. A fully fit Gilbert should be more than capable at this level and it pays great testament to Sturrock as a manager that players are so quick to praise him. It's quite amazing given the injuries we've had to carry this season and what Sturrock had to work with that we are where we are in the league and I'm fairly optimistic for next season, providing there aren't wholesale changes.
Agreed. Gilbert's form has been largely inconsistent and at times he has been very assured, although these are obviously interspersed with games where he has been below par. A fully fit Gilbert should be more than capable at this level and it pays great testament to Sturrock as a manager that players are so quick to praise him. It's quite amazing given the injuries we've had to carry this season and what Sturrock had to work with that we are where we are in the league and I'm fairly optimistic for next season, providing there aren't wholesale changes.
Yep, actually looking forward with some excitement to next season rather than with trepidation like I was this.
We haven't seen anywhere near the best of him, Dave. There's a reason why he was Northampton's POTS last season and, and it's the same reason that he got such disgusting vitriol directed at him by Northampton's fans during both games this season. They loved him, he wa highly rated and they were gutted he left.

He came here carrying an injury and hasn't been fully fit all season. Now that he's settled down here and is having the hernia sorted, I think he'll be stand-out next season after getting a full pre-season behind him.

For me the fundamentals arent there. Slow as a boat, poor passer and poor going forward. Decent in the air but that for my mind is the only positive.
Surely playing with injuries and a Hernia all year hasn't helped him. I think we will see more from him next year!

I'll admit to being a Gilbert critic over the season but with this news that he's been carrying this the whole season I'll reserve my judgement of him until next season.
For me the fundamentals arent there. Slow as a boat, poor passer and poor going forward. Decent in the air but that for my mind is the only positive.

That's a bit harsh if he has carried a hernia for most of the season. Even a modest hernia will slow his pace and ability to turn. It could even impact on his passing to a degree. Probably better to judge his speed etc ,when he has had the hernia stiched back.
If we can sign up Morris and keep Mohsni next season, I think our defence will be pretty sound, especially with Kane sitting in front of the back 4. 4 clean sheets in a row at home.
That's a bit harsh if he has carried a hernia for most of the season. Even a modest hernia will slow his pace and ability to turn. It could even impact on his passing to a degree. Probably better to judge his speed etc ,when he has had the hernia stiched back.

He has been injured for most of the season. Not just hernia, but groin too. He came back from his groin strain too early towards the start of the season and re-did it, but instead of letting it heal, he strapped it up, took injections and played throughbit. Silly yes, but after healing fully and getting a full pre-season behind him, i think he'll be good next year.