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Pete Townsend

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I totally agree with all of this Firestorm, well said.

As for paedo's, castration at their first offence when found guilty, would help to stop their sick urges and in a lot of cases, prevent another child from being abused or stop another customer from looking at or downloading horrendus child images.

Failing that, this is the only scenario that I would gladly beat someone up or even throw in a little torture to help them see the error of their ways. Can't believe I just said that, but having a little daughter of my own, it's a subject that I can never come to terms with or understand their pleasure, and it really really makes my blood boil.

The thing is, they get their urges because they're mentally ****ed up and enjoy that power of kids. Castration would solve only 50% of it. A labotomy with an egg whisk should take care of the other 50%
The thing is, they get their urges because they're mentally ****ed up and enjoy that power of kids. Castration would solve only 50% of it. A labotomy with an egg whisk should take care of the other 50%

Genetically paedophiles have more genes in common with crabs than they do with you or me. Now that is scientific fact.
Genetically paedophiles have more genes in common with crabs than they do with you or me. Now that is scientific fact.

And don't even get me started on those fumes they can emit from a child's keyboard. Just thinking about them is making me more suggestible.
Some of you internet forum uses will be aware of the unwritten law that in a long debate on a forum at some point some one will throw down the nazi card and the the debate is as good as over,now this must be true as i sdaw it on tele.
In the peado debate on shrimperzone as soon as shrimpero throws down the HE PLAYED A CHARITY GIG IN CORNWELL CARD then the peado debate is also over,that card cant be beat,ever,end of.He must be a great bloke because of that gig.
As for polankski,cant you see how stupid your comments appear on that one.
As for porn,well ive surfed the www since it started but ive never downloaded ,look at or paid for child porn,why is that well i guess im not a noncing peado.
I can vouch for a benefit gig Pete did for a Cornish theatre company down here back in '98

So what has that got to do with anything or did you just want to drop in that you've seen Pete Townshend? Can anyone who saw Gary Glitter play Wolverhampton Poly in 1977 now "vouch" for him too?

I think you'll have to refer to the original thread cited to see the context of my quote there. From memory, it was something to do with Pete's charity work with The Lions, and I was just 'vouching' for the fact that it was real, not a front since the 2003 arrest.
What are you on about? Maybe I'm :dim: but I don't see your correlation here ...

Bringing up Townsend's allegations that he was abused himself to counter his alleged offences? It's a cheap ploy that simply does not excuse his actions.

Similar to how the "I can't be racist, I have black friends" argument is completely defunct.
But the point being that in order to write Tommy he did not need to do any "Research" (or he certainly didn't get caught doing any) so why the need when it comes to writing a book which has never materialsed.

Also it is well known about the Abused becoming the Abuser cycle and whilst it may be seen as mitigation , its no excuse

'Tommy' was allegorical. It came out at the end of the '60s, at a time when sexual abuse was rarely spoken of. The book was an autobiography - we know how survivors of sexual or any other forms of abuse repress such experiences, so perhaps he was not able to draw vividly from his own experiences ("you didn't see it, you didn't hear it, you won't say nothing to no-one, never tell a soul" etc.). Look, the guy admits he was stupid and yes, we do know about the 'abused becoming the abuser' in many instances. But, there are people who have been abused who take great offence if they might be typecast in this way.
Bringing up Townsend's allegations that he was abused himself to counter his alleged offences? It's a cheap ploy that simply does not excuse his actions.

Similar to how the "I can't be racist, I have black friends" argument is completely defunct.

No alleged offence about it. He downloaded stuff, end of. I was seeking to explain his rationale, not excuse his actions.
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