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Planning permission for Fossetts

There was loads of stuff about reducing the carbon footprint and sustainability so possibly undersoil heating is frowned upon in this day and age although I understand all premiership teams have it no doubt to keep the TV contract people happy.
well I trawled the plans as much as i could but really it is a mammoth task. I could not find anything about under soil heating but we do know the pitch is going to be exactly like the lower pitch at the training ground with the plastic threads. The level down from the premiership but really good. But i did find confirmation of safe standing for home fans,
"The amendments to the permitted design of the stadium takes advantage of the existing ground level changes. The site levels allow the stadium bowl to be built into the ground limiting the scale of the building from the outside and reducing the requirement for internal vertical circulation. The stadium bowl is a simple single tier design accommodating dedicated zones for premium, general admissions home fans safe standing and away seating. The stadium bowl is covered with a simple cantilevered canopy design. The phasing of the stadium has resolved the issue of how to join the relatively simply, low and unheated three sided stadium with the larger, more complex and heated North Stand".

Thanks for looking - I guess under pitch heating is probably not a planning matter, so wouldn't surprise me if it isn't mentioned, even if it is to be installed. But equally I think the cost, both installation, and running, of these systems is huge and is pretty rare outside of the top 2 divisions. Plus as KB mentioned, maybe there are other more environmentally friendly and/or cost effective technologies available nowadays.

Guess we'll have to wait and see.
Delay from Rochford Council in granting permission for the temporary training ground buildings is due to

(1) delay in receiving response from highways
(2) change in the application by us to allow for 12 temporary buildings with some landscaping.

New determination date is 24 April
I think Highways issues will also delay the FF project with Southend Council.
I think Highways issues will also delay the FF project with Southend Council.
I'm not sure why, they've already given full planning permission for the stadium and outline planning permission for the housing - another 40 odd flats and less seats in a stadium shouldn't impact that too much.

For Rochford it didn't sound like there was an issue - just a delay. Again I don't get the impact on highways with temporary buildings, when we have permission for the permanent buildings! But I appreciate they have to be consulted.
Pure speculation on my part. It may be insistence that one of the first things to be built is the roundabout in Fossets Way with the road into the Fossets Farm site and the training ground. The former seems pretty vital to the build so there are 2 access points, the other being the dual carriageway A1159, and I'm not sure how safe it is having the entrance to the training ground being a right turn into Smithers Way a few yards after the Sutton Road/Fossets Way roundabout..
Of course this might be the plan.
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Pure speculation on my part. It may be insistence that one of the first things to be built is the roundabout in Fossets Way with the road into the Fossets Farm site and the training ground. The former seems pretty vital to the build so there are 2 access points, the other being the dual carriageway A1159, and I'm not sure how safe it is having the entrance to the training ground being a right turn into Smithers Way a few yards after the Sutton Road/Fossets Way roundabout..
Of course this might be the plan.
Order of work and highways works should probably all be sorted in the conditions to planning and the S106 agreement, Off the top of my head cannot recall the details on this.
Pure speculation on my part. It may be insistence that one of the first things to be built is the roundabout in Fossets Way with the road into the Fossets Farm site and the training ground. The former seems pretty vital to the build so there are 2 access points, the other being the dual carriageway A1159, and I'm not sure how safe it is having the entrance to the training ground being a right turn into Smithers Way a few yards after the Sutton Road/Fossets Way roundabout..
Of course this might be the plan.

Seeing as that part will also be additional parking on match day. Then the easiest option would surely be make the Sutton rd/Fossets roundabout bigger with an extra exit into the corner of the training ground. Then a small slip road further up Fossets for easy exit if your heading east towards B&Q
Just checked the Rochford council site and it seems we've put in new plans today which include a temporary gym. Maybe plan B. Difficult to keep up with it all.
Hopefully signs that new plan will be submitted to Southend council soon for the other side.
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This is an extract of the cover letter for the revised temporary training building planning permission with Rochford.


Seems a bizarre question from the council - I think I'd have answered, no more than the usage of the permanent facilities that we have full planning permission for. Seems a little late for the council to be asking such questions. I wonder if there is a councillor trying to throw a curve ball here - I hope not, but as I say, just seems very odd
This is an extract of the cover letter for the revised temporary training building planning permission with Rochford.

View attachment 25171

Seems a bizarre question from the council - I think I'd have answered, no more than the usage of the permanent facilities that we have full planning permission for. Seems a little late for the council to be asking such questions. I wonder if there is a councillor trying to throw a curve ball here - I hope not, but as I say, just seems very odd
This is a little bit odd.. what do they expect from a new training facility..?
Does anyone know to what extent Purdah restricts the council’s ability to process the Club’s development plans, subject to having all the information of course.
So it looks like the club is aiming for all the training facilities to be at the training ground in temporary buildings pending the building of the pukka permanent building which makes sense. All this needs to be up and running I presume for pre season which starts some time in July???? Best get the skates on
This is an extract of the cover letter for the revised temporary training building planning permission with Rochford.

View attachment 25171

Seems a bizarre question from the council - I think I'd have answered, no more than the usage of the permanent facilities that we have full planning permission for. Seems a little late for the council to be asking such questions. I wonder if there is a councillor trying to throw a curve ball here - I hope not, but as I say, just seems very odd
This is what concerns me with the development regarding Southend Council. There are many people who are obsessed with extra traffic issues relating to the whole project. Although we all know match days will be on only 25 days per year and roads will be busy for just a few hours. The housing will produce a little more traffic but the residents won't all be coming on to the road at the same time. I am not at all sure if the whole of the roads and traffic issues have been settled and passed regarding FF. The Highways Dept, Borough Engineers and individual councillors might yet throw a spanner in the works.
So it looks like the club is aiming for all the training facilities to be at the training ground in temporary buildings pending the building of the pukka permanent building which makes sense. All this needs to be up and running I presume for pre season which starts some time in July???? Best get the skates on
Think so. The temporary buildings are on the location of the permanent building - so I guess plan is to use facilities in the new stadium whilst temporary training facilities are removed and permanent built? Or for temporary to remain forever?
I know Tom's got his hands full and moreso at the moment but it would be really good to have a monthly update on planning and the build when it gets started. I of course will be doing my regular stalking of the site to look at any progress as I did with the training ground (the whole building process fascinates me) but it would be good to have something official as I anticipate a lot of different stories appearing on social media, some accurate some less so over the next 4 or so years