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Russia: What are you playing at?


Life President
On top of last weeks news story that Russia were to restart Cold War patrols across their bordering oceans, flying within 100 miles of US soil, This morning I read that a Russian Bomber, thought to be on a spy mission, was intercepted by 2 RAF fighters dangerously close to British Soil.

Presumably as a response to the Litvinenko scandal, the Bomber was intercepted over the North Atlantic. Putin seems hellbent on starting Cold War II, what with overreacting to the US missile posts in Eastern Europe...

So, are we looking at Cold War II? Or will this take the route of every other recent disagreement and fizzle out as both sides have too much to lose?
Putin appears to be jealous of George Dubay and feels that there is room in this world for two warmongering zealots .
Personally I reckon its time for the two of them to fight to the death using only sharpened fish

BBC's Caption - A picture issued by the Ministry of Defence showing a Typhoon from Number XI Squadron shadowing a Russian Bear-H aircraft over the North Atlantic on 17 August 2007.

My Caption-

''This is a great shot Mav, I should be a photographer.''

Great Balls of Fire.

BBC's Caption - A picture issued by the Ministry of Defence showing a Typhoon from Number XI Squadron shadowing a Russian Bear-H aircraft over the North Atlantic on 17 August 2007.

My Caption-

''This is a great shot Mav, I should be a photographer.''

Great Balls of Fire.

My caption - Photoshop winner of the year 2006 starts Cold War again

BBC's Caption - A picture issued by the Ministry of Defence showing a Typhoon from Number XI Squadron shadowing a Russian Bear-H aircraft over the North Atlantic on 17 August 2007.

My Caption-

''This is a great shot Mav, I should be a photographer.''

Great Balls of Fire.

Saw that last night on the news... Have to say that Russian Bear plane does have a spooky appearance - It's the pointy bit at the front and double propellers...

Nice site here with plenty of videos http://www.aviapedia.com/
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