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First XI
I would suggest that our success or otherwise this season will, to a significant degree, depend upon whether we can keep hold of Ryan. His goal and assist yesterday we classic examples of how much he means to us. Let's hope Chris Powell will not come knocking.
I agree that Ryan Hall is vital to the team's chances this year. I think he could get 15 goals this season if he stays fit. Add to that the assists he would also offer the side and you've got yourselves a key player. I also think Harris and Corr should both be looking to get at least 15 goals and whilst Dickinson is an unknown to a certain extent, he's shown in the past he can be prolific.

For these reasons I don't think scoring goals will be a problem this season. Our chances of success hinge on the performances of the back 4 and keeper over the course of a season. How many times is Moshni going to get sent off or Luke Prosser have a nightmare? From the early signs in the games so far they seem to be performing admirably so I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
I think Ryan Hall is probaly the most talented player in league 2,if we keep him and he stays fit we have a great chance of going up this year.
yeh a fit confident ryan hall will have a big say in what we create this season, lee sawyer even showed what he is capable of with that great run, shame about the shot, needs to do it more often tho.
I agree that Ryan Hall is vital to the team's chances this year. I think he could get 15 goals this season if he stays fit. Add to that the assists he would also offer the side and you've got yourselves a key player. I also think Harris and Corr should both be looking to get at least 15 goals and whilst Dickinson is an unknown to a certain extent, he's shown in the past he can be prolific.

For these reasons I don't think scoring goals will be a problem this season. Our chances of success hinge on the performances of the back 4 and keeper over the course of a season. How many times is Moshni going to get sent off or Luke Prosser have a nightmare? From the early signs in the games so far they seem to be performing admirably so I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Re: Luke Prosser, at the start of last season I would have agreed with you completely. But he seemed to have taken a big step forward towards the end of last seasons and looks like he may turn out to be a half decent left-back.
Yeah big fan of Ryan Hall and is one of our key men no doubt, always involves himself in a goal, gets assists, gets goals. Won the most assists in the league last season, as well as his fair share of goals. Really hope we hold on to him. Lee Sawyer I'd like to see start more too, his run against Accy away last night late in the game was quality, and was only on the pitch for 4 or 5 minutes. Up the blues
Re: Luke Prosser, at the start of last season I would have agreed with you completely. But he seemed to have taken a big step forward towards the end of last seasons and looks like he may turn out to be a half decent left-back.

To be fair mate I did say "From the early signs in the games so far they seem to be performing admirably" as I recognise Prosser has improved a great deal. I gave him MOM against Hereford in my ratings.