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It's a poisoned chalice that job.

With the reputation (or lack of) the club has, it's an almost impossible task to increase numbers through the gate and/or bring in new business/finance. As demonstrated by the lack of decent shirt sponsor offers this summer.

It's another "hands tied" role, that even the best marketing guru in the world would struggle with. Good luck to his replacement, he will certainly need it.

Lets not speculate too much as to the reasons.

His job would no doubt involve trying to get people through the turnstiles, but that cant be done overnight and is completely reliant on league position and team performance.

He certainly seemed to be doing good work in engaging with supporters and if he left because gates hadnt increased then thats ridiculous, but we dont know if thats even the case.

Our gates are decent at the moment and a bit of marketing wont change that overnight.

Well if they were "decent" surely they wouldn't of been turned down?

In excess of 50k and even offered to do just one of the shirts (ie home or away). Still puzzling it wasnt accepted, thats a reasonable offer.
Lets not speculate too much as to the reasons.

His job would no doubt involve trying to get people through the turnstiles, but that cant be done overnight and is completely reliant on league position and team performance.

He certainly seemed to be doing good work in engaging with supporters and if he left because gates hadnt increased then thats ridiculous, but we dont know if thats even the case.

Our gates are decent at the moment and a bit of marketing wont change that overnight.

In excess of 50k and even offered to do just one of the shirts (ie home or away). Still puzzling it wasnt accepted, thats a reasonable offer.

Oh I agree, he has done a superb job in improving communications and involving the fans more.

I was just responding to a couple of posters who suggested it maybe down to lack of uplift in attendances and/or new business etc.

Also agree that the £50k offer was reasonable. But obviously not deemed good enough to accept for some strange reason.
Oh I agree, he has done a superb job in improving communications and involving the fans more.

I was just responding to a couple of posters who suggested it maybe down to lack of uplift in attendances and/or new business etc.

Also agree that the £50k offer was reasonable. But obviously not deemed good enough to accept for some strange reason.[/QUOTE]

Come on everyone knows that nothing is better than 50k.............Hold on...:dim:
Agree gutted if true! I thought Ryan was a real positive for the club! I have had 2 main dealings with him and was impressed both times. First was when I had trouble with ticketing (Hull FA Cup game I think). I went on twitter slagging off the club and ticket office. Ryan replied to me and sorted the problem (out of hours in the evening, if I remember correct). It was refreshing to get someone who was bothered and wanted to make a difference!

The second is something my kids I won't forget for a very long time. This seasons kit launch, where my 2 were chosen to be the first to wear the new home kit ( I know Ryan was a big part in making this happen) In which they got a letter from Phil Brown, a signed football and met the players and had photo's with them! For young fans this was amazing! Ever since the kit launch, my kids now ask me when can we go to watch Southend again! Job done, fans for life!

Ryan seems like a guy who is doing a good job, engaging fans and somehow keeps a smile on his face!
Would be / is a shame and a loss for Southend if he has gone!
I have only heard good things said about him , perhaps other staff members need to follow his example.

He won awards for the club and it seems strange he is just going.

Reading jimmyshrimp's post a huge loss to the club.
Agree gutted if true! I thought Ryan was a real positive for the club! I have had 2 main dealings with him and was impressed both times. First was when I had trouble with ticketing (Hull FA Cup game I think). I went on twitter slagging off the club and ticket office. Ryan replied to me and sorted the problem (out of hours in the evening, if I remember correct). It was refreshing to get someone who was bothered and wanted to make a difference!

The second is something my kids I won't forget for a very long time. This seasons kit launch, where my 2 were chosen to be the first to wear the new home kit ( I know Ryan was a big part in making this happen) In which they got a letter from Phil Brown, a signed football and met the players and had photo's with them! For young fans this was amazing! Ever since the kit launch, my kids now ask me when can we go to watch Southend again! Job done, fans for life!

Ryan seems like a guy who is doing a good job, engaging fans and somehow keeps a smile on his face!
Would be / is a shame and a loss for Southend if he has gone!

Another own goal by the club. Us supporters aren't used to having someone going out of their way, beyond the call of duty to put things right, or give a more memorable experience to kids etc.
Another own goal by the club. Us supporters aren't used to having someone going out of their way, beyond the call of duty to put things right, or give a more memorable experience to kids etc.
Yep can't remember anyone in the past engaging the fans and especially the younger ones so much, I think it's great giving the youngster the chance to read teams out meet players ect. This is how the younger fans become fans for life, they feel part of the club, thought Ryan was doing wonders in this department and as said before seem to to care about what he did!
Another own goal by the club. Us supporters aren't used to having someone going out of their way, beyond the call of duty to put things right, or give a more memorable experience to kids etc.

Why is it an own goal? He could have gone to a much better and well paid opportunity and we can stop him or compete with that. Everything is speculation, but the club should be judged on how we build on the work he's done and replace him.
Why is it an own goal? He could have gone to a much better and well paid opportunity and we can stop him or compete with that. Everything is speculation, but the club should be judged on how we build on the work he's done and replace him.
Because it has been stated on here that he doesn't have another position lined up.
You could tweet him and also email the club if you want to find out more.

I'm not really that interested. There's two sides to every story and inevitably in these situations you won't get the full picture.

I can only echo what's been said by others - Ryan appeared to be doing a great job and build a good rapport with fans. It's a shame he's leaving. However let's see where the club goes from here rather than automatically jumping on the club about this.
Ryan did a great job from what I can see, but there will be reasons for him leaving Im sure.

Hopefully his replacement will continue the good work that we saw. The fan engagement was great and hopefully will continue.