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Sale of Southend United to Justin Rees and his consortium

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Back to Stan week in the blame game is it?

This is all RM’s doing, no one else should be catching any of the **** other than him.

Just out of interest, why is it always turn on Stan, as opposed to someone like John Still, or Rylee or anyone else at the Club? TL has had stick too.

Stan has explained numerous times on this.

Let’s concentrate our efforts on RM.
I agree. It's time to turn the heat on Stilly! What has he done for this club in the last 12 months??? Absolutely nothing!

We want Still out! Shout it loud!
I agree. It's time to turn the heat on Stilly! What has he done for this club in the last 12 months??? Absolutely nothing!

We want Still out! Shout it loud!
To be fair with all the replacing of names that have been wiped off the board due to the rat’s incompetence, he has probably been the busiest man in the club !
If Justin wants to buy the club

Why doesn't he have a contract in place to put the money up and save the club

And get the sale to go through

And if Ron does a Ron sue hum for everything he has

It's not hard

Ron Martin I don't think you want to sell
I don’t understand Ron stalling to such this extent. What is he waiting for? Where is the planning permission at and is he waiting for this first mythical payout or availability of funds? And even if he is, it's been stated he’s not putting anymore funds in to the club or HIS debts, so why?

The only logical answer is he wants us to die, but then why not do that yonks ago. It makes no sense.
Ron said yesterday on the phone to my son that we won’t go to court on the 4/10 but then couldn’t guarantee a sale would be completed either but did mention contact with Justin. Gut feeling is that he is going to put the club in to Administration. Think that’s an automatic -10 points. As for the club and the sale not sure if that makes it easier for the sale to be completed or not
Ron said yesterday on the phone to my son that we won’t go to court on the 4/10 but then couldn’t guarantee a sale would be completed either but did mention contact with Justin. Gut feeling is that he is going to put the club in to Administration. Think that’s an automatic -10 points. As for the club and the sale not sure if that makes it easier for the sale to be completed or not
With all due respect mate, what comes out of Ron's mouth is about as credible as a snorting pig.
Ron said yesterday on the phone to my son that we won’t go to court on the 4/10 but then couldn’t guarantee a sale would be completed either but did mention contact with Justin. Gut feeling is that he is going to put the club in to Administration. Think that’s an automatic -10 points. As for the club and the sale not sure if that makes it easier for the sale to be completed or not
The only way we don't go to court is if he pays what is owed or the club is put into admin as you say.

The biggest worry is we have wages to pay before then and another court date on the 3rd for npower. How can all of those things be appeased without a further points deduction.
Ron said yesterday on the phone to my son that we won’t go to court on the 4/10 but then couldn’t guarantee a sale would be completed either but did mention contact with Justin. Gut feeling is that he is going to put the club in to Administration. Think that’s an automatic -10 points. As for the club and the sale not sure if that makes it easier for the sale to be completed or not
Tricky part here is trying to decipher the truth from the lies from the downright confusion in his own mind. He probably doesn't even know what's going on or what he's going to do.

And then in all likelihood he says half this stuff just to get a reaction for kicks.

We know his minions live on this board after all...
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