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I just think that if we're not careful we could slip down the league and be fighting a relegation battle rather than, dare I say it, a push for promotion. Therefore we need to get as many points as possible, and although I might have been a bit hasty saying the scunny games is a "must win", in my opinion it is a game where we need to walk away with at least a point.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Tilly's Prodical Son @ Aug. 24 2005,13:04)]I just think that if we're not careful we could slip down the league and be fighting a relegation battle rather than, dare I say it, a push for promotion. Therefore we need to get as many points as possible, and although I might have been a bit hasty saying the scunny games is a "must win", in my opinion it is a game where we need to walk away with at least a point.
So, what you're saying is, that it is actually a "must-draw" game?!


Seeing as Scunthorpe are two points and three places above us in the league, I think this game is a real six-pointer!!

Push for promotion? Don't be silly. Consolidation is a much more nrealistic outcome.

As for Scunny, it's not a happy hunting ground for us, if we get a draw it will be fantastic, and set us up nicely for Monday, where we have an excellent chance for a first home win against a team who are expected to be near the bottom struggling, like we are....
Basically come Friday I will be happy with a point. Monday I will take nothing less than a win. If we can pick up at least a point from the rest of our away games and win the majority at home than we are looking at promotion people. It will be a very tough game on Friday but a point would be very welcoming and who knows - we could sneak a win. There is no 'must-win' games yet. Its only our fifth game of the season.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Tilly's Prodical Son @ Aug. 24 2005,13:24)]Are we forbidden to speak the name of our local rivals now?
Absolutely not - I just didn't deem it necessary to name them, according to the context of what I was trying to say.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Whatever @ Aug. 24 2005,13:29)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Tilly's Prodical Son @ Aug. 24 2005,13:24)]Are we forbidden to speak the name of our local rivals now?
Absolutely not - I just didn't deem it necessary to name them, according to the context of what I was trying to say.
well you could of done. removed 'a team' and inserted 'c********r' and it would of made perfect sense.

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Matt the Shrimp @ Aug. 24 2005,12:46)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (The General @ Aug. 24 2005,12:37)]When was the last time we actually won at Glandford Park?!
30th September 1983. We won 6-1!!


Were any SZers at that match?

Blimey I thought it might have been a while but not 22 years!!
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Matt the Shrimp @ Aug. 24 2005,13:57)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (overseas shrimper @ Aug. 24 2005,12:46)]Surprised nobody's said this yet, but myself thinks that Scunthorpe is a tough place to go on a Friday night.

When was the last time we won there?

Too obvious and too late.  You might have had a bite had you dipped that one in half an hour earlier.

Good effort, though.

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Museshrimper @ Aug. 24 2005,13:40)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (SUFCFARAWAY @ Aug. 24 2005,13:34)]well you could of done

Watch it, the grammar police will get you.  

I wrote that to provoke a reaction

Yes we won on a Friday night in 1983, 6-1. That season we also beat Brentford at home 6-0 (I think it was nil) but were relegated that year and dipped into our darkest period! They say that those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it, but I for one would be overjoyed at anything on Friday. Without Fredy for four games, it is imperative that we strengthen the squad in the forward areas, even if that is a temporary measure by getting in a loanee for a month. With Goater and Gray up front, I noticed that we reverted to the long punt on Monday after about 25 mins. We have never been a route one team and frnakly are no good at it, so I am a little wary of our game plan. Sticking one up Col Ewe (again) is imperative on Monday, particularly as they are one of the poorer sides (!!!!) in this division.
Kingston University of Grammar perhaps?........

Glanford Park, Scunthorpe is where we are playing...if you meant why are we playing, I must confess to being non plussed.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (shrimperian @ Aug. 24 2005,14:05)]Kingston University of Grammar perhaps?........

Glanford Park, Scunthorpe is where we are playing...if you meant why are we playing, I must confess to being non plussed.
No, Geography. I used to do Grammer, then i fell over!
Bit of a silly game to play on a Friday - but we do it to other teams so we can't really complain too much.
I know but its a mission on a friday night though. Still, wont scare me off, i will still be there...
wish i could but i am stuck in the office till 5.30. Then have to get back and get up there - will never happen. Unless someone has a helicpoter/boeing/f15/magic carpet they could lend me?

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Matt the Shrimp @ Aug. 24 2005,11:46)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (The General @ Aug. 24 2005,12:37)]When was the last time we actually won at Glandford Park?!
30th September 1983. We won 6-1!!


Were any SZers at that match?

We've never won at Glanford Park.

Our last away win against Scunthorpe was in 1983, but Scunthorpe were playing at the Old Showground then, they didn't move into Glanford Park until 1988.

[/Pedant mode off]