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Should someone's (previous?) political party membership be held against them?

Should someone's (previous?) political organisation membership be held against them?

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Yorkshire Blue

Super Moderator⭐
Staff member
Oct 27, 2003
Following on from the EDL thread, I think this creates some interesting questions as to what extent someone's past decisions should be continued to be held against someone.

Should for example, someone who is/was a member of a political organisation which held particularly distasteful views be banned from posting on SZ?
What classes as distasteful views. Some dispise the right, some the left.

I would like to see Spartan & JS banned as they views offend 99% of zoners. Everyone else live and let live for **** sake.
No is the quick answer just so long that those views held are kept to ones self. In my youth I was a member of a particularly odious and nasty group who held and still do hold some very distasteful views. I am not proud of what I once was and saw the light and got out before I was dragged in too deep. Now I like to think that my political interests are more exceptable and certainly more reasoned. I like to listen to both sides of the arguement and make my own mind up without following the majority or minority unless I agree with one or the other. Some of my views would still be considered extreme but they do not involve colour, race or creed (my loathing of the French and Belguim is of course a given)
Yes it should.
I was a member of the IRA but just didnt look good in a balaclava and beret so left to join the REAL IRA but being dyslexic i joined IKEA instead,i then joined the SWP but was crap at looking smelly and unwashed and selling dogdy newspapers.
I then joined ABBA but they kicked me out because i cant speak Swedisn or for that matter Yiddish.
I then joined the BRITISH DIABETIC ASSOCIATION but they were just not extreme enough for me,you just cant change the world one injection at a time.
I then joined the group TEACHERS ARE MEN AMONGST BOYS BUT BOYS AMONGST MEN,but alas i found my dislike of politics and being up my own arse hindered me.
I should be banned from this site because mostly i post complete bollox,but unlike some others i know my limitations and know when ive lost the point of a disscussion.
Bring back OBL bating at least she was/is a bit fit.
Bring back OBL bating at least she was/is a bit fit.

Voted "No" on two counts, I think as long as your political views don't cloud your opinions too much and you're not using the board as an aide for recruitment, then that's fine. Everyone knows there are people at the extremes of the political spectrum, but as long as people remember this is a football forum and opinions are fine as long as they don't cause offence everything should be fine. In any case, I think the mods do a pretty good job in the main of monitoring anything where it looks likely something might kick off. As with anything, it's when people cross the line that problems occur.
Which reminds me,what's happened to Rusty and number 11 recently? Are they in voluntary, self imposed exile or are there dark forces at work? :unsure:

I'm here. Thanks for your concern though. xx
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Which reminds me,what's happened to Rusty and number 11 recently? Are they in voluntary, self imposed exile or are there dark forcesy at work? :unsure:

I expect the latter.

ps You don't appear to have given your view on the issue. Care to disprove the rumours that you are just the Grauniad's rss feed and actually post your own opinion? I thought this was a subject close to your heart.
Which reminds me,what's happened to Rusty and number 11 recently? Are they in voluntary, self imposed exile or are there dark forces at work? :unsure:

In case your querying whether Rusty has been banned (you may not be; I'm just guessing) I can confirm that he has not been. Sometimes work keeps people away from here for a while, I know that has happened before with Rusty.
In case your querying whether Rusty has been banned (you may not be; I'm just guessing) I can confirm that he has not been. Sometimes work keeps people away from here for a while, I know that has happened before with Rusty.

I believe he flits back and forth to the USA? Or perhaps he's just a Mossad agent (have I said to much....arrrrrrrrghhhhhh........ (where's the dead smiley!)
So you don't think somebody should have their political views held against them on this board, but you openly sought to out an alleged EDL member and questioned their right to post here?

Oooh, Barna in double standards shock!
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803–1882)
QUOTATION: A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds,

Would 'A man is usually more careful of his money than he is of his principles.' said by the same chap have maybe been as apposite?