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Southend On Mr OS Website

overseas shrimper

Life President⭐
Oct 25, 2003
FINALLY, the web master of Mrs. OS' official website got round to talking to her about her performance at Roots Hall last month, and put some pix up in the gallery.

Have a butcher's at:


Nice report.

Shame the Trust Website didn't get a mention alongside the Official Site, SZ & Shrimpers Online
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Beaver @ Jan. 30 2005,19:32)]Nice report.

Shame the Trust Website didn't get a mention alongside the Official Site, SZ & Shrimpers Online
Why should it?!

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Beaver @ Jan. 30 2005,20:32)]Nice report.

Shame the Trust Website didn't get a mention alongside the Official Site, SZ & Shrimpers Online  
I agree, but the Trust website isn't something that would appeal so much to non-Southend supporters who click on the links just to see who the club is.

Sorry you have been upset by this. I will give her a telling off later.

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Its grim up north! @ Jan. 31 2005,13:59)]Crap report, totaly f**king boring!

No mention of me.  
She had mentioned that the rows of seating at Roots Hall should be steeper in order for supporters to see the match should they be sitting behind people like you with such large ears (as happened against Rushden), but it was deleted in order to not offend.

So there, you would have got a mention.

Did she mention the time at Wycombe away when you had to rip the seats either side of you out in order to sit your fat arse down?

Or the time when you had to enter the ground by the exit gates after the embarrassment of getting stuck whilst going through the turnstile?


[b said:
Quote[/b] (Its grim up north! @ Jan. 31 2005,14:59)]Did she mention the time at Wycombe away when you had to rip the seats either side of you out in order to sit your fat arse down?

Or the time when you had to enter the ground by the exit gates after the embarrassment of getting stuck whilst going through the turnstile?


No idea what you're on about.


[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Did she mention the time at Wycombe away when you had to rip the seats either side of you out in order to sit your fat arse down?
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]No idea what you're on about.
I was sitting next to Mark at Wycombe away - and yes it was tight!
(Tight for space that is!)

[b said:
Quote[/b] (South Bank Hank @ Jan. 31 2005,16:58)]I was sitting next to Mark at Wycombe away - and yes it was tight!

(Tight for space that is!)

What an image that conjures... and I'm not sure "tight for space" clarifies the picture at all...

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]What an image that conjures... and I'm not sure "tight for space" clarifies the picture at all...

Indeed. I could've clarified a little harder - just didn't want to labour the point too much.
OS has feelings I'm sure!

Time to move on I think.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (South Bank Hank @ Jan. 31 2005,17:55)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]What an image that conjures... and I'm not sure "tight for space" clarifies the picture at all...

Indeed. I could've clarified a little harder - just didn't want to labour the point too much.
OS has feelings I'm sure!

Time to move on I think.
OS is a very easy-going good-humoured fellow - though he does get very upset if you mention power cuts, for some reason.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Shrimp in a Kilt @ Feb. 01 2005,00:52)]OS is a very easy-going good-humoured fellow - though he does get very upset if you mention power cuts, for some reason.  