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Breaking News Supporters Group Update.

Well done all.

I'm honestly at the point of not knowing what to say anymore. It's incredible that we are approaching the end of May and we are still where we are, and the mental health of so many people is being dragged through the mill. That family seem to have no regard for anyone but themselves. They have damaged the community, the club, and many other businesses. I honestly can't believe they've got away with it for so long. It will go to the Saturday's action, because I am beyond believing it will be resolved in the next few days, or if the Martin family actually care.
He still owes for this and they are waiting to be paid so guess he wont be using the usual group
They could always swap sides!
Who in their right mind would do it in the first place? I did ask the question at rat's house and was told they were already paid 😂
44 years of supporting our great club, my mum and dad, my son, my nephew and myself all huge shrimpers. We lost dad in Nov 22 I’m not ready to lose my football club as well. But each day that goes by, each statement released and constant rumours on here and SM just makes it feel like we are nearer to the brink that ever before. The highs of December at Kidderminster seem a very very very long time ago. The euphoria of the cliffs, the vision laid out by the consortium and all that hope. The statement today by the supporter group obviously doesn’t tell the whole story but it gives us all a clear idea of what’s about to happen. It’s simply devastating and all the while clubs like Barnet a fraction of the size of our club are picking up some great signings. Our fan base simply doesn’t deserve this. None of us do
Southend Council get financial details to kick on with due diligence

Chris Phillips

SOUTHEND Council have received the financial information needed to push on with their due diligence.

The council continue to look into the property side of the Fossetts Farm project, and a statement issued on Friday evening confirmed additional details had now come their way.

Cllr Daniel Cowan, leader of the council, said "Late this afternoon, the council received the financial analysis to reach the latest milestone in the due diligence process. The council must now work through this with Citizen Housing next week."

"The due diligence has always been a complex and ongoing piece of work where each stage must be completed before the next can be concluded. As part of our commitment to transparency, we will endeavour to update each week as matters progress."
"Late this afternoon" ... smells like BS to me. Council have been sitting on their arses ..... suddenly things arrive when pressure is put on.
I worked in a young financial services start up company almost 15 years ago. We were all given stress balls with the company logo and the slogan "If it weren't for the last minute, nothing would get done"

Most of our best work was done under pressure, with the deadline of financial markets opening and the latest release not yet signed off and put into live production.

Before that I worked for the county council where something urgent could quite easily sit on someone's desk for a week or two and only when someone starts looking for it did movement happen.

Private vs public sector working is so different.
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Southend Fan Protest Group

ALL complicit Martins: Ron, Jack, Tom, Julie, we'll see you soon.
Action to be announced soon. Keep the next few weekends after the Bank Holiday free and your eyes peeled here for updates
Any idea when an update will be announced, as it's mid week tomorrow & i need to know whether to keep Sat free or accept a family invitation?.
Has there been any news RE new protests etc First weekend after the bank holiday but nothing. I presume nothing being planned in terms of a protest for this coming Saturday or Sunday