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Supporters Group News Supporters Meeting

Morning all,

Met Ron this morning in London to go through several items on an agenda that I put to Ron and Tom recently.

I have nothing to do with the finances of the club, that's not part of my role or remit whatsoever, my role today was to outline what I feel is important in galvanising what we have ( passionate supporter base, excellent coaching staff, football department, CEO and competitive team ) rather than what we don't.

I haven't been as present in recent weeks due to family issues, taking a break and discharging commitments elsewhere but the emails, calls, meetings haven't stopped in order to help the Football Department when we can act. John and the coaches don't stop when it comes to watching and sourcing future players, and as I've said before, the work Tom Lawrence does daily will be worthy of acknowledgement some day, he really has our club's best interest at heart, alongside the day to day staff who are working incredibly hard to keep this club moving.

I've read the Trust updated statement and supporter group concerns and as someone who set out their when pitch with supporters in mind, it's been frustrating not to be able to meet regularly but you all know the current situation so a monthly meeting to be asked questions that I can't nor have the remit to answer would have been pointless.

But I'm offering to meet in the next couple of weeks to talk to supporters groups so that I can update everyone on what the Football Department is doing, despite the current situation, and some insight as to the Football Department's plan for the remainder of the season ( after consultation with John and coaches ) as we remain competitive in the league and trophy.

A large part of my role is to bring people together and that more than ever is needed at a crucial time of the season. Staff, players and coaches need to be appreciated for the work they are doing and so do you guys for the support you give us, so that's what I'm going to do, make sure however, whenever that everyone at our club knows they are valued, appreciated and can be supported as much as can be given. The first thing often to go when clubs go through off the field tough times.

Looking forward to the Trust and other groups reaching out to see when and where we can meet at their earliest convenience.

Easy to think this is a coded message……

All is well and it’s full steam ahead.
Wishful thinking........ I dont think Stan is saying that but wanting to concentrate on what he knows and that's the "footballing project" and the work of our CEO behind the scenes.
I am 100% certain that Stan has no idea what a deceiving and untrustworthy person Mr Martin is. Therefore having a meeting to discuss on field issues is irrelevant until Mr Martin is gone or in the short term finds the funding to halt the club going into administration. As for everyone at Southend United(especially the Fans) being valued, appreciated and supported as much as can be given, well I have just spat my coffee out! Ron Martin has no regard or respect for the Southend fanbase, No communication no nothing, in my opinion just utter disdain. I appreciate Stan trying his best but......
Agreed... I really don't see the point in having a supporters meeting right now. The only thing supporters want to know, if the debt to HMRC is going to be paid.

Whilst we can all agree that the looming court case is the biggest issue that fans want to hear about/have resolved immediately, we still need to look ahead and plan for the future.

At the end of the day, if it all goes pear shaped, the meetings that Stan is proposing won’t have cost us anything and certainly won’t have hindered the bridging loan/court case.

But if everything goes according to plan and we discharge the debt - and I’d tentatively suggest it will - then we need to focus on what comes next, and not that’s exclusively focussing on the squad, but hopefully the state of Roots Hall, the condition of the pitch, fan involvement etc etc.
Whilst we can all agree that the looming court case is the biggest issue that fans want to hear about/have resolved immediately, we still need to look ahead and plan for the future.

At the end of the day, if it all goes pear shaped, the meetings that Stan is proposing won’t have cost us anything and certainly won’t have hindered the bridging loan/court case.

But if everything goes according to plan and we discharge the debt - and I’d tentatively suggest it will - then we need to focus on what comes next, and not that’s exclusively focussing on the squad, but hopefully the state of Roots Hall, the condition of the pitch, fan involvement etc etc.

Yes I get that. But a room full of supporters right now only have one thing on their mind and it's all about the Money. HMRC, the state of RH, staff being paid, none of which he can answer.

We're doing ok on the pitch right now, my personal view would be to leave it until (if/when) these issues are resolved.
Cheery little thread this is. It appears we have been offered a meeting about footballing matters going forward and some want to dismiss it. I would have thought the meeting would be of interest to fans.
The remit of the meeting does not include info about off-field matters, that has been stated and accepted. We will find out about the financial concerns when we are relieved of the debts or relieved of the club. Demanding to be told the future of SUFC is as pointless as it is frustrating.
So why not listen to what Stan has to tell you about playing stuff? It's the only bit that is our concern unless you are Ronny.
Nothing is black or white in our Southend United world, but do any of you honestly think that Stan would have put this offer out there if there was doubt that we had a future?

Just bear in mind that he mentions in his post that he has spoken to Ron, which suggests to me that we have an immediate future (to the end of the season?) and beyond that I can't fathom at the moment. Like I say, not black or white, but if you read the signs 'we go again'.

As @GBJ says, lets give this a go with an open a mind as possible, and without trying to corner Stan into talking money, because he ain't gonna do that.
I really appreciate the effort that you're putting into the playing side, but i'm afraid it's totally irrelvent at the moment. We have until 1st March to pay HMRC or we're gone. I'd rather Ron spent all his time sorting out the finances of the football club rather than having chats in London on playing affairs.
I really appreciate the effort that you're putting into the playing side, but i'm afraid it's totally irrelvent at the moment. We have until 1st March to pay HMRC or we're gone. I'd rather Ron spent all his time sorting out the finances of the football club rather than having chats in London on playing affairs.
It’s not irrelevant though is it. If the case is dismissed, the footballing side of the club needs to be prepared for the rest of the season.

Besides, Stan and the footballing department have no control over the HMRC case. Should they just stop doing their jobs until March 1st?
It’s not irrelevant though is it. If the case is dismissed, the footballing side of the club needs to be prepared for the rest of the season.

Besides, Stan and the footballing department have no control over the HMRC case. Should they just stop doing their jobs until March 1st?
I'm just saying, I would rather Ron focused on the finances at the moment and letting the supporters know exactly what's going on, rather than spending time on something that could prove irrelevant if we no longer exist.
I'm just saying, I would rather Ron focused on the finances at the moment and letting the supporters know exactly what's going on, rather than spending time on something that could prove irrelevant if we no longer exist.
You realise you can be fully focused on something, but also have time for something else. Eg, maybe the paperwork has all been submitted for legal review and hence there is literally nothing he can do until that has occurred? Do you want Ron sitting outside the legal teams office for say 2 days until it is complete? Or should he work on other matters?