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¡Viva la Aussielución! 🇦🇺 🦘 ⭐️
Staff member
Yes that's right "THE BLUE VOICE".....that is every single one of you at Roots Hall this Saturday. We are the 12th man. We can make things happen. We can influence things. We can provide that extra spark of adrenalin for our boys on that pitch. We can help them to achieve the unachievable....

So. Bring out your flags, bring out your balloons and bring your voice. Let's turn it into a real party atmosphere and help our boys to do what they need to do. If results elsewhere go against us. Then we pick ourselves up and go again in a week's time in the Play-Offs. But, in the meantime, let's enjoy Saturday and pray thing's go our way.

To help with the party feel. Kent Shrimper and his Outstanding Branding company have kindly donated 2000 balloons, which we will be handing out in the Family stand and North Bank. So come and grab a couple and add some colour to the day.

Let's see plenty of those Blue Voice flags waving around on Saturday. For we are the 12th man, we need to believe and we need to do our duty...

Come on Southend!!

PS; Please check The Blue Voice forum for further news - HERE or on our website www.thebluevoice.co.uk
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If we are so effective, can we not split up and add some support to Accrington and Hereford as well ?
back in the day i had a few southend/blue voice flags big and small and i moved and lost them all...anywhere i can get one for sat..looked on bv and blues shop to no avail..cheers
We're on the march with Sturrocks army
We're not going to Wem-ber-ley
But we don't give a fluck cos we know we're going up
Cos Southend are the greatest football team