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The refugee & migrant crisis

Think you'll find the Pope was making a gesture.

Incidentally, I believe,the 12 refugees he took back to the Vatican with him was more than 20+ countries in the EU have taken in so far (including Spain).

Bloke dressed in white robes,I don't get the vibe at all.

Religeon eh.
Think you'll find the Pope was making a gesture.

Incidentally, I believe,the 12 refugees he took back to the Vatican with him was more than 20+ countries in the EU have taken in so far (including Spain).

I don't doubt you are right.

I find it remarkable that an organisation with the resources and wealth of the Catholic church, couldn't do better than a miserly 12....
I don't doubt you are right.

I find it remarkable that an organisation with the resources and wealth of the Catholic church, couldn't do better than a miserly 12....

Once the inner circle get bored of their new play things i am sure they will bring more in.
Listened to a very interesting talk last week from a director of the International Organisation for Migration. According to statistics from his organisation, one in 7 people in the world is a migrant, internally or internationally (aroound 250m internationally and 750m internally). The bit I found interesting is his view that due to environmental factors, political instability and food shortages, this number is predicted to double by 2050.

He made the point that this is not a temporary crisis that is a problem to be solved. It is a reality to be managed and governments really need to work together rather than go rogue and acting in their own interests.

Migrants are human beings and the situation with thousands camped out with nowhere to go is helping nobody, illness and disease are rife and as the man said, a healthy migrant can and will contribute to society - an unhealthy one is a drain on resources and a liability.

He also mentioned that during the Second World War, Europeans were displaced all over the world, to Australia, America, North Africa/Canada etc and the anti-immigration rhetoric present in Europe these days shows we appear to have forgotten that.

Governments can't continue to bury their heads in the sand over this and act on their own interests. However, as we all know that's unlikely to happen as long as voters put pressure on them to pull up the drawbridge.

I don't have a solution and I don't particularly like debating the politics of the issue. I just find it very sad to see.

Perhaps Spain could start taking a few more after all your economy needs it more than us. Not sure who this article is trying to fool but lines like 'refugees who take jobs in the construction industry create jobs as supervisors for locals' must be aimed at ten year olds.

Still there must be thousands of young Spanish unemployed 'supervisors' who desperately need these workers to save the day.
Perhaps Spain could start taking a few more after all your economy needs it more than us. Not sure who this article is trying to fool but lines like 'refugees who take jobs in the construction industry create jobs as supervisors for locals' must be aimed at ten year olds.

Still there must be thousands of young Spanish unemployed 'supervisors' who desperately need these workers to save the day.

You're quite right that Spain should be doing more to take in its fair share of refugees.

Not in anything else you say.