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The Shrimperzone Pink Toothbrush Indie Club

MK Shrimper

Aug 6, 2005
Hello true believers,

Today's choon is from the early 90's, a bit of goth shoegazing electronica? Fronted by the beeyotiful Toni Halliday (later seen on Leftfield's Original) here's Curve and Fait Accompli
will you be playing anything by birdland, senseless things or ride?
will you be playing anything by birdland, senseless things or ride?

Omg, this album:-


Basically got me through my first year of University, I'm gonna have to get hammered on cheap cider and listen to 'Easy to smile' tonight. Expect a lot of SZ spammage tonight.

Curve were an amazing band and many of the EP's were better than the album (as was so common during that 1990-1992 period) 'ten little indians' is an amazing tuuuune and as for Toni Halliday.............. (well you know the rest)
Oh and talking of the 'Indie charts' on the chart show, some good soul has posted all of these on youtube from 1988 right the way through until 1995.

I spend many an alcohol fuelled evening reminiscing. Nostalgia, its a wonderful thing.
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Oh and talking of the 'Indie charts' on the chart show, some good soul has posted all of these on youtube from 1988 right the way through until 1995.

I spend many an alcohol fuelled evening reminiscing. Nostalgia, its a wonderful thing.

Feck me, that's a number of wasted hours coming up. Good spot mate!