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Zone Owner⭐⭐
Staff member
A few years ago when Wino (Paul) was with SOL (an old SUFC forum) he approached us with the idea of joining forces on The Zone and taking his idea about away travel and ours of wanting a Zone supporters coach service forward.

It is quite staggering how far TZ has grown since those days...From 1 coach to about I think it was 11 at Wembley and now it is regularly sold out with many coaches going to away games each week.

For Saturdays game at Morecambe they sold out 6 coaches by last Sunday and drew a line under it then as they offer such a great service and did not want to diminish this at such short notice.

They also have a great relationship with The Trust and both supporters services work well together.

It is not often we praise them on here and that is our mistake.

They offer a fantastic friendly fun service and help The Zone with Financial support at times with donations and coach raffles. We jointly sponsor half of the SUFC team which is truly outstanding.

Ken and I would like to say a very very big thank you to Wino, Ken Taylor, Fran, Del Reeves and all the TZ team for all they do for supporters to make sure they reach the far corners of England supporting The Blues.

I agree with every word John. I have met some amazing people through both SZ and TZ who are now (I hope!) life-long friends. Going to games with TZ is like a family day out and thoroughly enjoyable made more so by the fabulous efforts of those mentioned above. Here's to a fun packed weekend in Morecambe :happy:
Started going with Tz when I was 16, always welcomed with open arms. Wino does a fantastic job and deserves every bit of praise he gets
Started when I was 16 as well, Wolves away in the League Cup. Wouldn't travel with anyone else since.

Wino, we salute you. :Worthy::Worthy::Worthy:
The only way to travel !!!!

My sons and I travel with TZ all the time, and when I cant go due to work commitments, the boys are royally looked after by the TZ family. Like someone else has said I have met and "drank" with some new lifelong friends :smile: that make the long treks more enjoyable.

Wino, Del, Ken, Fran and everyone else involved, our clan offers our thanks :clap:
Ive not used it for a while now, but a great service & wonderful fellow travellers.

I know more than just Paul & Del are involved in TZ, and their efforts should be applauded too, but the aforementioned pair are terrific guys.

Keep up the good work:thumbsup:
Been a proud TZ Family Member for many years now and made friends galore with the guys and girls , I've helped run coaches for Paul Del Ken and Fran , I've been the length and width of England with them , enjoyed many a post game celebration or commiseration beverage with the TZ crew and was one of the TZ51 on the unscheduled central reservation of the motorway overnighter coming back from Plymouth in 2012.

I along with the wife will be up bright and early on Saturday along with the 50 plus others for overnight trip to Morecambe and Lancaster and frankly can't wait!!!

I know they don't do it for the thanks and dedicate hours of their own time to ensure us Shrimpers enjoy a fab service but I'd like to thank them anyway for their hard work, dedication to the fans and their friendship. :thumbsup:
Back before TZ became TZ, I was accepted and looked after at a very difficult time in my life. My first "TZ" trip was in a minibus, yes, a MINI-BUS to Wycombe! That was a trip where Wino drove and my right knee was a little too close to the gear stick at times :blush:

They then accepted my friends, and brought my hubby and I home from our first date, Millwall away, January 2010! As time has moved on, so things have too, and it's now rare for us to travel by coach, and when we do, it's invariably to help the Trust out as hubby generally prefers to travel under our own steam so we can stop when we want for how long we want! I've always promoted the fact that TZ/SoL and the Trust offer different services that appeal to different travelling fans, it gives fans a choice.

Whatever happy coincidence brought the Zone and Wino's team together, it's clearly mutually beneficial. I'll never forget the support various individuals gave me, and I was so happy that many of the TZ regulars came to our Wedding reception 2 and a half years ago. Thanks guys and I wish you well.
Back before TZ became TZ, I was accepted and looked after at a very difficult time in my life. My first "TZ" trip was in a minibus, yes, a MINI-BUS to Wycombe! That was a trip where Wino drove and my right knee was a little too close to the gear stick at times :blush:

They then accepted my friends, and brought my hubby and I home from our first date, Millwall away, January 2010! As time has moved on, so things have too, and it's now rare for us to travel by coach, and when we do, it's invariably to help the Trust out as hubby generally prefers to travel under our own steam so we can stop when we want for how long we want! I've always promoted the fact that TZ/SoL and the Trust offer different services that appeal to different travelling fans, it gives fans a choice.

Whatever happy coincidence brought the Zone and Wino's team together, it's clearly mutually beneficial. I'll never forget the support various individuals gave me, and I was so happy that many of the TZ regulars came to our Wedding reception 2 and a half years ago. Thanks guys and I wish you well.

Didn't we go on an early TZ minibus to Brighton as well?? Or is my mind playing tricks on me!!

Either way I've travelled on both TZ and Trust buses in recent years and they all do a sterling job - anyone who gives up that sort of time and commitment just to get as many of us around the country as possible deserves a huge amount of praise and thanks. Keep up the good work!
Didn't we go on an early TZ minibus to Brighton as well?? Or is my mind playing tricks on me!!

Either way I've travelled on both TZ and Trust buses in recent years and they all do a sterling job - anyone who gives up that sort of time and commitment just to get as many of us around the country as possible deserves a huge amount of praise and thanks. Keep up the good work!

Yes, think it was the very next journey and The Big Shrimp's first trip - pre stinky quiz days.
Just leaving Morecambe on the TZ party bus. Had a brilliant weekend (football not included!!!) For all of you down in the dumps today, you should try TZ, always guaranteed to cheer you up regardless of what's happened on the pitch :thumbsup:
Wino has been like a dad to me at football and has helped me out of many scrapes I never really told him this but I have the upmost respect and admiration for him
I was allowed to look after one of the coaches on Saturday. I really don't know how Del makes all tea / coffee every trip. I never want to see a plastic cup or box of cake ever again (well, ok, not so much the cake).

I've been made welcome since my first trip, Dan has made some new mates and I've met some great people along the way.
I don't go by coach very often as I usually prefer to drive. However, the few times I have been on Wino's Wheels, I have been made to feel very welcome. Just loved the fact that I had a cup of tea made for me on the way there and on the way back from Morecambe which was most welcome. Thanks again to everyone who helps on the coaches even though I don't know all your names. (I know that Ken was running our coach up to Morecambe but didn't return as he was staying overnight).