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* ORM *

Still Loves Emma Bunton. Roy McDonough is God!
Nov 7, 2003
Flying the flag for SUFC in Sai Kung, Hong Kong
Safe and well in my top drawer. Thank God for that !


Go on, admit it !
That is so cruel, ORM. I can see the ticketless ones now, hearts pounding with excitement stabbing at the keyboard desperate to PM you before someone else get them....

.....to find that it is just another heartless prank! Now they are sitting there broken hearted, so disappointed...

.......But then, expecting you to be serious is about as likely as expecting Kevin "The Gob" Maher to congratulate the ref on a correct decision...

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Shrimp in a Kilt @ April 29 2005,09:47)].......But then, expecting you to be serious is about as likely as expecting Kevin "The Gob" Maher to congratulate the ref on a correct decision...
[b said:
Quote[/b] (* ORM * @ April 29 2005,09:19)]Safe and well in my top drawer. Thank God for that !


Go on, admit it !
How did anyone fall for that? It's been done before (very recently) and a million times better.

Must try harder.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Sussex Shrimper @ April 29 2005,13:01)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (* ORM * @ April 29 2005,09:19)]Safe and well in my top drawer. Thank God for that !


Go on, admit it !
How did anyone fall for that? It's been done before (very recently) and a million times better.

Must try harder.