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When it comes to loanees, we have had some really decent loanees this season, to be honest i cant think of one we had this season i would call bad.My question is , when we apply to a club to loan a player ,do you think they look at the club and the manager etc ,before deciding whether to oan said player or not.I ask this because this season in particular we have been able to attract some really decent loanees from premiership clubs.Do you think that having PB as manager and a good setup and backroom staff and scout also ,it has helped get these players.I do and it says to me that they believe as i do we have a really good manager in PB.
Anyway your thoughts please.
This is more than just one question. I do believe PB is a personable character and has many good associations with the top strata clubs; and that certainly helps.
That we are a bigger team in this league helps too: we might get better loans now we are fairly stable club with a fair training base and qualified coaches/staff such as Ben Clarkson, Cocko, Penney.
The Loanees, I understand, get lodged at The Roslin, so again that is a positive welfare issue.
Our past teams had some members whose reputation for poor standards of behaviour off field might have caused concern but those drinkers/loose morals types have gone.
And we are trying to play football!
When it comes to loanees, we have had some really decent loanees this season, to be honest i cant think of one we had this season i would call bad.My question is , when we apply to a club to loan a player ,do you think they look at the club and the manager etc ,before deciding whether to oan said player or not.I ask this because this season in particular we have been able to attract some really decent loanees from premiership clubs.Do you think that having PB as manager and a good setup and backroom staff and scout also ,it has helped get these players.I do and it says to me that they believe as i do we have a really good manager in PB.
Anyway your thoughts please.

We attracted a few decent ones last Sassoon too, Reeves in particular
There are a few factors, the manager , his reputation and his contacts, the scouting and whether the loaning club think there is any point to the loan.

When form dips people moan about Phil being on TV, yet his profile and reputation must surely help secure loans.

When they send a player down they want him to be getting experience and if they see that loaned players get games they will be more inclined.

I think we are a decent place to send them to, they generally get to play quite often and the style of football we try to play isn't as bad as it could be at this level either.
Go further back for some more quality...devitte and theo robinson....federici. plenty of poop too...some of sturrocks loanees were odd to say the least.
I suspect the order of importance is more like:

1) Is the club under embargo
2) Is the club already behind on money due to us
3) What level are they at
4) How much game time will the kid get

742) How often the manager has been on TV