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Dec 31, 2008
What a sad, sad story coming out of Northwich http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-16620964 and if anything for me it shows how lucky we are to have RM. There is precious little room for sentiment in football/business and clearly the years of effort and contribution to football that Northwich Victoria made mean nothing at all. RM may be the 'marmite' man but through it all, the alleged ducking and diving, the poor treatment of players who in return poorly treated the supporters, RM has steered us away from the rocks of receivership and potentially annihilation. Makes you think how much worse things could have been and certainly should make us grateful for what we have. Heres hoping Northwich get some help to survive. UTB
What a sad, sad story coming out of Northwich http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-16620964 and if anything for me it shows how lucky we are to have RM. There is precious little room for sentiment in football/business and clearly the years of effort and contribution to football that Northwich Victoria made mean nothing at all. RM may be the 'marmite' man but through it all, the alleged ducking and diving, the poor treatment of players who in return poorly treated the supporters, RM has steered us away from the rocks of receivership and potentially annihilation. Makes you think how much worse things could have been and certainly should make us grateful for what we have. Heres hoping Northwich get some help to survive. UTB

Has he?

I think a certain other fella deserves the plaudits for that actually...

When was the last time we heard of an unpaid bill etc?

Who is running the club now?
Has he?

I think a certain other fella deserves the plaudits for that actually...

When was the last time we heard of an unpaid bill etc?

Who is running the club now?

Has Tara put money in then ?

Any issues with unpaid bills werent down to incompetence but because RM didnt have any money.

Things have certainly been better since Tara has been in charge and finances look better but unless he has added finances Im not sure what he would have done other that RM wouldnt have?

I certainly dont think Ron Martim should get the credit given in the OP though seeing as he steered us in to the mess in the first place.
Has Tara put money in then ?

Any issues with unpaid bills werent down to incompetence but because RM didnt have any money.

Things have certainly been better since Tara has been in charge and finances look better but unless he has added finances Im not sure what he would have done other that RM wouldnt have?

I certainly dont think Ron Martim should get the credit given in the OP though seeing as he steered us in to the mess in the first place.

Not my place to speculate on that.

A question for the fans forum I feel...
Tara is running the show now. His title is 'Chief Executive' but it might as well be 'Acting Chairman'.
And sainsbury, TB et al are here at the behest of RM. Oh what poor decisions he made??! It always seems to me that so many on here, who probably know so little of the facts, believe they could have run this club so much better. Perhaps they would have been totally honest all the time. perhaps they would have walked away, leaving the club in the hands of others like the mythical consortium who may well have been worse than the devil you know. Ask Alan Sugar or Richard Branson whether at times they had to lie through their teeth to succeed.If they say no they are lying. That does not mean they or RM were not the best candidates for the job with the business interests at heart.
And sainsbury, TB et al are here at the behest of RM. Oh what poor decisions he made??! It always seems to me that so many on here, who probably know so little of the facts, believe they could have run this club so much better. Perhaps they would have been totally honest all the time. perhaps they would have walked away, leaving the club in the hands of others like the mythical consortium who may well have been worse than the devil you know. Ask Alan Sugar or Richard Branson whether at times they had to lie through their teeth to succeed.If they say no they are lying. That does not mean they or RM were not the best candidates for the job with the business interests at heart.

I dont claim I could run a club better, I know I couldnt and that I dont have the financial resources to do so and build a new stadium. Whilst the timing of the recession played a part the whole plan was clearly not wthin RM's resrources. Brining Sainsburys in to save his backside isnt genius, its desperation, we dont know what the ramifications will be in the end, how much will be owed etc.

Ron Martin made big mistakes and some of them (ie treatement of Tilson etc) are not acceptable. I never believed he was out to ruin the club as others still claim, and I genuinely believe he wanted the best for this club but he still put this club through hell when he wasnt able to deliver what he had commited us to. Lets not forget there is no guarantee we will get a complete stadium yet either.
Talking of the stadium, were we not close at the start of November to starting work. I seem to recall, a tender process of 4-6 weeks? Well its now coming up to 11 weeks since then, and no news at all?????
Call me a doom monger, but I believe our tie-up with Sainsburys could be the thing that kills us in the end. They'll stop at nothing to get that supermarket, they don't give a flying **** about us.
And sainsbury, TB et al are here at the behest of RM. Oh what poor decisions he made??! It always seems to me that so many on here, who probably know so little of the facts, believe they could have run this club so much better. Perhaps they would have been totally honest all the time. perhaps they would have walked away, leaving the club in the hands of others like the mythical consortium who may well have been worse than the devil you know. Ask Alan Sugar or Richard Branson whether at times they had to lie through their teeth to succeed.If they say no they are lying. That does not mean they or RM were not the best candidates for the job with the business interests at heart.

You are Ronnie Martini and I claim my £5