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Who tells more truth and facts, Echo or Ron?


Darryl's Love Child
Oct 30, 2003
Think the new gagging order says it all! Why is Ron gambling with our club, years of weekend pleasure could be nullified by his dreams and lies!
If The Echo were continually publishing lies etc, then why haven't the club taken more effective action to stop them continuing? The truth is, The Echo could probably/possibly be right on all counts. It doesn't exactly show the club in a good light, but let's face it, they've given us more insight into the club than anyone at SUFC has
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If The Echo were continually publishing lies etc, then why haven't the club taken more effective action to stop them continuing? The truth is, The Echo are probably/possibly right on all counts. It doesn't exactly show the club in a good light, but let's face it, they've given us more insight into the club than anyone at SUFC has

Couldn't do without me Echo....could do without the gagger!
The only fact we know definately is that we don't know anything for a fact.
Whatever people think they know, its only what they've heard or read.

Ron knows the facts and he's not telling, which is the real the problem.

I would prefer an honest statement from him, be it good or bad, this we are clearly not going to get .

So I shall continue to support my club whichever league we play in.

I will be renewing my season ticket next season, for as long as there is a SUFC I will support them.

We may never know the truth, but if by some miracle we end up with a brand new stadium playing in the championship, who's going to be moaning then;)
The only fact we know definately is that we don't know anything for a fact.
Whatever people think they know, its only what they've heard or read.

Ron knows the facts and he's not telling, which is the real the problem.

I would prefer an honest statement from him, be it good or bad, this we are clearly not going to get .

So I shall continue to support my club whichever league we play in.

I will be renewing my season ticket next season, for as long as there is a SUFC I will support them.

We may never know the truth, but if by some miracle we end up with a brand new stadium playing in the championship, who's going to be moaning then;)

Us of course. after about 6 minutes in the new ground the toilets wont be near enough, the beer to fizzy and there will be too many onions in the burgers.. and if we arnt 3 up against nelwy relegated liverpool we will all be booing as well
Us of course. after about 6 minutes in the new ground the toilets wont be near enough, the beer to fizzy and there will be too many onions in the burgers.. and if we arnt 3 up against nelwy relegated liverpool we will all be booing as well

Too right. I would expect to be at least 5-0 up against Liverpool before half time! ;-)
Please remember the libel laws when replying to this thread. Thank you.

What that ron is a " ***** ******* **** who As ******* and in doing that as ***** **** ** ***** *** ****"......... God I feel so much better for saying that!
I mean, seriously people.

How do we know? How do ANY of us know?

You can spout that whole 'there's no smoke without fire' but tell that to Matthew Kelly who lost his job over a shockingly false bit of gossip in a Sunday red top. Or John Leslie who now lives on a Scottish island after a mental breakdown over lies about his conduct live on TV. Or those two guys a certain paper put on their front page and said were paedophiles - who it turns out were totally innocent folks the intern had mistakenly grabbed the wrong Facebook profile pics of. In all these cases, all that the papers had to do was print a retraction notice on page 47 the size of a stamp and promise to not do it again. Until the next week...

Likewise Ron's a clever guy. He knows that NOT all press is good press and is trying to hush up WHATEVER is going on, be it good or (as we all suspect) bad. His blogs have shown he's very good at shedding not a whole lot of light with a whole lot of words and he's savvy enough to use the media as and when it benefits him and (hopefully) the Club.

Ultimately, what with Macca's Facebook status, the fact we've had several winding up orders, being in League One and the way we've conducted our transfers in the last 18 months it's obviously not all rosy in the garden now, is it?

And really, none of us posting here or talking about it will make any difference whatsoever as it's all conjecture and personal views based on guts instincts and gossip.

What we CAN all do is enjoy the game tonight, support the team in whatever way we can and remember that both sides have got a mandate here; and that the truth is likely somewhere in between.

Now go and have a pint or two and enjoy the game. That's if the actual act of playing football holds any vague interest for some of you moaning muppets...
And really, none of us posting here or talking about it will make any difference whatsoever as it's all conjecture and personal views based on guts instincts and gossip.

I have not seen the SSN interview with Tilson, but I think he has confirmed that the players have not been paid this year.