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Nov 13, 2011
My train gets into York about 12:30 on Saturday. That leaves around 2 and a half hours to get to the ground.

Is that enough time? :cheers:
My train gets into York about 12:30 on Saturday. That leaves around 2 and a half hours to get to the ground.

Is that enough time? :cheers:
Ground is around a 20 minute walk from the railway station so you have plenty of time.Few nice pubs around York
I thought this was an Agent Lomas thread. Damn you for getting my hopes up. :angry:
Can any of you northern, especially Yorkshire Blues give an idea of the York pitch, is it water sodden as Roots Hall, is it flat or lumpy from rugger types? Weather looks like more rain for the weekend and light winds.
I thought this was an Agent Lomas thread. Damn you for getting my hopes up. :angry:

Do not fear my friend, for Lomas shall soon reveal the pathway to beating York City, and we shall follow him spreading word of his wisdom in a book known only as, the BBBCible
Can any of you northern, especially Yorkshire Blues give an idea of the York pitch, is it water sodden as Roots Hall, is it flat or lumpy from rugger types? Weather looks like more rain for the weekend and light winds.

Rugby is played there, but only rugby league. York City Knights don't start their campaign until next weekend (through to September) so any problems on the pitch won't be down to them.
Any tips on pubs for Saturday?

So very many good ones to choose from. Lamb and Lion was a particular favourite from last year, especially if you're looking to get a bite to eat.

Had a very swift couple with YB and robnoxious in The Three Legged Mare last season, which I seem to recall had a fine selection of beers.
Given recent form you'll want 3 months in the boozer.

I have never seen Southend play well at York although I have been on quite a few occasions over the years - so perhaps this is the season for all that to change. I like the idea that we have "our backs against the wall" and hope that the team respond - but as said above, I wonder what the pitch will be like.

It might be just me but York just seems to be an easy and nice place to get to even compared to far closer places such as Wycombe (that I have never visited).
Any tips on pubs for Saturday?

Partly depends on what you drink but assuming it is ale then start at the railway station where there is a large selection. Other places include Brigantes, The Maltings (? is that right), Guy Fawkes (quite hard to find I think) and the Lamb and Lion (already mentioned). Another in town is called something like "Pivo".

Always worth keeping an eye out for Sam Smiths outlets. Beer is okay with the bonus of prices that make you think you are back in the 1980s. :smile: