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Tampa Blue

Many people say that you should never return as a Manager or indeed as a Player to a club where you were previously successful as it is unlikely (but not impossible) that you'll be able to repeat your past glories.

Sadly two of my favourite players in Lee Barnard and Freddy Eastwood are proving that rule to be correct.

I am sure that there must be some returning Blues who did well in their second spells with us but I can't think of many.

Paul Clark springs to mind and to a lesser degree Tony Hadley and of course David Webb first time back.

Can anyone jog my memory to any others .....and I am excluding players that we had on loan and then signed full time.
I've always been a Freddie lover. Barnie? not quite so much, but he was good first time round once he got going. Unfortunately, I've reached the stage when, with hindsight, I think it was a mistake for them both to return. There have been instances where players are a success second time round, Spencer was an example, but by and large, it doesn't work. So no more ex players back for me I'm afraid.
The "don't go back" thing is nonsense. If you're good enough then that's all that really matters.

I don't think Barnard would be getting this stick if he wasn't a former Shrimper. He's complete devoid of any service and yet the midfielders get a free pass.
The "don't go back" thing is nonsense. If you're good enough then that's all that really matters.

I don't think Barnard would be getting this stick if he wasn't a former Shrimper. He's complete devoid of any service and yet the midfielders get a free pass.

It's worth watching his movement off the ball, he's always trying to create space, but the midfield either aren't quick enough to see it, or don't have the ability to find him. Couple that with his current poor form in terms of finishing on the rare occasions when he does have a site at goal, and we're a bit stuffed really.
Matt Harrold. Was poor with us (although not as bad as many thought) - but every time he returns he's like Drogba!
What Freddy does is bring other people in to the game, he makes me people look good around him when they actually get near him, when he's isolated and rusty as not playing in many games he get's a lot of criticism. I think formation and also our midfield need to work a lot harder. Neither Barney or Freddy get clear cut chances, always either 50/50 chances, or some that arn't even chances.
The "don't go back" thing is nonsense. If you're good enough then that's all that really matters.

I don't think Barnard would be getting this stick if he wasn't a former Shrimper. He's complete devoid of any service and yet the midfielders get a free pass.

This. :thumbsup:
I think we (or should I say Ron Martin) need to stop signing former strikers for sentimental/commercial reasons. Eastwood has been back for almost two seasons now and has only shown flashes of his former self in that time (admittedly he didn't get many chances under Sturrock but still). I've not seen Barnard play since he signed but it doesn't sound like he's impressed and he knows that he's going to be released by Southampton at the end of the season anyway, so he should be trying hard to impress and put himself in the shop window for the summer. Both of them are clearly not as good as they were first time around. It's like getting back with your ex or when your favourite band from your youth reform after a long split - half of you is delighted but the other half knows it'll never be as good.

Saying that, I do agree partly with Beefy. With Hurst out of form we are lacking creativity and service for the strikers. Barney is a player who knows where the back of the net is and he hasn't become a terrible player since his loan spell at Oldham.
I think we (or should I say Ron Martin) . Eastwood has been back for almost two seasons now and has only shown flashes of his former self in that time (admittedly he didn't get many chances under Sturrock but still). .
he admitted once the season was over that he wasn't fit enough,
The "don't go back" thing is nonsense. If you're good enough then that's all that really matters.

I don't think Barnard would be getting this stick if he wasn't a former Shrimper. He's complete devoid of any service and yet the midfielders get a free pass.

It's worth watching his movement off the ball, he's always trying to create space, but the midfield either aren't quick enough to see it, or don't have the ability to find him. Couple that with his current poor form in terms of finishing on the rare occasions when he does have a site at goal, and we're a bit stuffed really.

Yes but if he was pacy and hungry the midfielders could just lob the ball over the top and everything would be fine.
I'm still not convinced with Barney. He just seems to love getting himself in trouble and I've heard from quite a few that Southampton couldn't wait to get rid, as he was a complete nightmare 75% of the time. Thought it was a risky signing at the time given the fact that our team spirit and togetherness were being highly praised by all involved at every turn. Really hope I'm wrong, but when the going gets tough, I'm not sure Barnard is the sort of player you want in your squad.

That said, great player back in the day. If he can behave and start finding his form then we'll have a cracking League 2 player on our hands. Time's running out a bit though.