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Nov 4, 2003
Whilst making the most of my unrelenting, fast-paced SBH social life at the weekend - okay, so a group of us went down 't curry house - one of the lads asked a question to which I was dismayed to discover the answer to.

The question was simply this:

When the money-men of Hollywood decide to make a film to chronicle the importance of your life, which actor would be most suited to playing you in the lead role?

The rules are simple, it must simply be an actor or actress - so not necessarily someone who looks like you. What's most important is that it has to be someone whose overall effect, mannerisms, looks, personality, etc, best matches your own. They can even be an actor who is now dead if that's what works.

My good friend Darren turned out to be Tom Cruise (which is no surprise as they could well be twins - BA$T**D). His lovely wife, Katrina, would be played by the woman who plays Trinity in the Matrix (although no one actually knows her name). Mrs SBH was to be played by a young Jane Seymour so she went home happy. The others in our group seemed relatively happy too with Darren Day, Jeremy Irons and one of the (annoying) girly-twins from Big Brother.


The general consensus was that I would be excellent portrayed by ****ing Ross Geller from Friends (although I argued that they'd have to throw a bit of Chandler in for good measure)!


So, SZ public, WHO would play YOU and why?
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You WISH!!!! The man is a LEGEND!

In the absence of certain posters commenting on their own Actor, I invite the ShrimperZone public who know such posters to make suggestions of their own.

Flattery and kindness is not actually a necessary part of the game.


Oooh, see how he saved himself there!!

James Gandalfini - aka Tony Soprano - but not because of his role in The Soprano's, simply because of how he is in the American Airlines advert.
i.e. Sitting back in a chair and relaxing and watching the world go by and being waited on.

Although my Mrs once said I should be played by Hugh Grant purely based on that his 'dopey' facial expressions are similar to mine.
I would guess that Steve McClaren would be top of the Directors list, one Middle aged loser to play the part of another one.....

Russell Crowe would have to play my brother though , just for the credits
Russell Crowe played by Russell Crowe !!
Yes, consider it our appreciation of you hitting 5,000 posts :p

You wait until you reach that magic 10000. I'll be round with Anne Widdicombe, Che Wilson, and a barrel of swarfega..... and much like A Clockwork Orange, they'll be no escape from the pain....
You wait until you reach that magic 10000. I'll be round with Anne Widdicombe, Che Wilson, and a barrel of swarfega..... and much like A Clockwork Orange, they'll be no escape from the pain....

I might reinvent myself once I reach 9,999 posts and take out a new account purely to thwart your potential for evil!