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  1. Sherif H

    The Blue Voice - Some suggestions

    I sat in the BV section today, forgoing my usual season ticket spot in the South Upper...I also persuaded two of my fellow seasos to make the move. I am all for a singing section, and at times today, we saw the best of the Roots Hall Roar, but its got to be said, people will be put off making...
  2. shrimpereeee

    Mad Dog Allen

    Without doubt he was man of the match and worth the admission money alone. What a plonker. If he carries on like that on the touchline for much longer he'll end up having a coronary. Seriously, how can his players express themselves and play without fear when he's screaming, shouting, kicking...
  3. OldBlueLady

    Blues stadium bid wins approval

    Piece in the Echo today, a bit different to the one on 22nd April concerning the casino and Morrisons, which seems to me to be the final piece of the jigsaw required: Football chief Ron Martin has been praised by councillors for defying the recession and pressing ahead with plans for Southend...
  4. TrueBlue

    King says sorry!

    CLUB STATEMENT: TRUE BLUES Posted on: Thu 23 Apr 2009 Southend United Chief Executive Geoffrey King has today released a further statement: My web article on Monday has caused controversy as the statement recorded that SUFC fans were fighting "not only the four Leicester fans but also amongst...
  5. manor15

    Club Statement: East Blacks v Leceister

    Sorry if it has been posted already, couldn't find it in any crowd trouble, Geoffery King, or any other threads.
  6. Slipperduke

    Striker Crisis For Capello

    England 4-0 Slovakia Heskey, 7 Rooney, 70, 90+2 Lampard, 82 Forget about the result. A 4-0 victory over a substandard Slovakia might look nice on the scoreboard, but it has no place in the bigger picture. Fabio Capello will be far more concerned by a dramatic injury crisis in his frontline...
  7. OldBlueLady

    Pre-Match Thread Brighton v Southend

    Don't know if you want this to be a Pre-match thread or Official MD thread Mods, I'll leave it up to you to decide. We've had a predicted score one but not teams. Scannell apparently has a virus and is not travelling (bit of a sicknote isn't he?), Walker, Revell and Freedman all still out...
  8. SUFC Forever

    Ted Kennedy Given Honorary Knighthood

    Ted Kennedy has been awarded an honorary knighthood by the British government. Why? This is a man who constantly supported the IRA at the height of "The Troubles" and is suspected of using his high ranking Irish mates to raise cash for them via Noraid in the 1970's. He has never been a...
  9. shrimperjon

    Racist Abuse from Millwall fans

    Please find below a response from the club regarding an email i sent after tuesdays game. Makes interesting reading. Jonathan Thank you for your e-mail regarding racist chanting, and I can confirm that your e-mail was the only contact received from supporters regarding this matter. Firstly...
  10. Thorpe Groyney

    Does The Big C Make You A Big C?

    I'm just in from my daily walk. Despite the cold my face is burning up. Although the wander was a modest one, to Southchurch Park, the seafront and then back home, my body aches all over and I'm far too tired for a bloke of my age to be. You see, people, I have cancer - and I'm fare more...
  11. Is this acceptable club behaviour? Didn't think so...

    With our exams and assignments over, me, my housemates and a select few other lads decided a proper session was in order... So we hopped on the train over to Brighton to escape Eastbourne. Top night all round, Beers over the football and on to a few bars whilst ITV made a hash of it before...
  12. Ref Watch Referees and things .....

    The general tirade of abuse directed towards the, on this occasion, hapless Mr Ward seems to have run over a couple of threads so I'll put my response in a seperate one. Whilst most of the criticism is undoubtedly justified, there is included amongst it, a number of inaccuracies and...
  13. Slipperduke

    No Respect From Scolari

    Respect? Not at Stamford Bridge. Four wins on the bounce should be enough to cheer any manager up, but Luis Felipe Scolari still found reason to storm down the tunnel after his side's 2-0 win over Middlesbrough. It was assistant manager Ray Wilkins who was left to shake hands with the opposition...
  14. Opinions?

    I'm doing a piece of research for my sports science courswework and i'm basing it on the behaviour of southend fans at home and away. Any opinions are welcome. Cheers =] UTB
  15. Southend_Lady

    Being a receptionist

    My mate works as a receptionist and she has just emailed me and a few other mates with this story - I thought it was pretty funny so thought I would share........ ************* Let me explain, due to the crunch I had to change stationary companies about 7 weeks ago (from Trac to Lyreco) I...
  16. Crabby Shrimper

    Shadow front bencher arrested.

    Ok, I know politics is a dodgy subject at the moment, but felt this story needed reporting. Be interesting to see how it develops, in my opinion. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/politics/lawandorder/3532133/Tory-minister-Damian-Green-arrested-under-the-Official-Secrets-Acts.html...
  17. Slipperduke

    Nervous Gunners Slip Through

    Cesc Fabregas is the youngest Arsenal captain since Tony Adams and, appropriately enough, the new era began much like the old one. The Gunners were tentative and unsure of themselves, but recovered their composure to sneak a victory. One nil to the Arsenal? Meet the new boss, same as the old...
  18. Slipperduke

    Gallas Must Go

    There is a saying in England that it is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. Apparently no-one told William Gallas. The Arsenal captain, in an interview that will do for his career what Little Bighorn did to General Custer's, accused his...
  19. Slipperduke

    Barton Pushes His Luck

    Sorry chaps, forgot to upload this last night... Well, that didn't take long, did it? Just one week after his composed, match-winning performance against West Bromwich Albion, the halo above Joey Barton's head began to slip. Like all the best horror films, the metamorphosis from man to beast...
  20. Monkey fag break

    is this acceptable behaviour? has anyone indulged? im currently hung over and got a bit of a horn on but dont think i can bring myself to do this!! for those of you who need clarification find here.....http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Monkey's+Fag+Break