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A shiny new stadium and nothing to go in it!

[b said:
Quote[/b] (alginon1 @ Nov. 24 2006,10:31)]Yep. We've finally replaced Bentley and therefore filled the last hole in the squad.

I'm not convinced that we've got enough quality throughout the squad for this level, but short of getting rid of 20 players theres not much we could have done about that.

I am very convinced we are good enough to stay in this league, I haven't seen a good
footballing team yet !
Not only will we stay up we will finish mid table, with Bradbury back, the new midfield
options, the defence settling down and getting used to the pace we can again turn RH into a fortress.
I would go as far as to say I saw better cultured football last year. When we play on the ground  
we are awesome.
I have continually suffered from neck - ache this season ….. Just count the number of
balls lost over the stands. If we stick to our own game plan we will survive and establish ourselves
in this league.
We can match the best. I'm looking forward to the rest of the campaign
However, need cover for Darryl
Agree with all but one line of your statement..

" I haven't seen a good footballing team yet"..

I personally thought Cardiff and Norwich (before they collapsed) looked very good footballing sides...

Both good for periods of time but as you say they collapsed.
As we did.... looking forward to playing them both again
However, both teams not good enough for the prem.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]we revert to the hoof it over the top to Prince Harry and try and utilise his height, pretty much like Liverpool do.
Just wish he could utilise it too.???

I posted something similar on another thread. Most of the balls we hit to Harry against Plymouth were over his head anyway. I think he is capable of controlling and passing a ball which is played into his feet, so lets hope we try it.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (alginon1 @ Nov. 24 2006,10:48)]Both good for periods of time but as you say they collapsed.
As we did.... looking forward to playing them both again
However, both teams not good enough for the prem.
I think it goes to show the big gulf between the Championship and the Prem. God help any team that gets promoted at the end of the season.
Rotherham make a mistake in keeping their players on 3000k a week wages in 2004/05 season (their last season in Championship) and did'nt clear them out in summer & signed guys like Burton on 3500k a week which nearly killed Rotherham last season.

I don't want to be holding a bucket and ask people to put their loose change in in a bid to raise money to save Southend as they are in debt and they are strugging in League 1 next season.

We got a strong squad that is good enough to go back up if we get relegated.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (D62SUBOY @ Nov. 24 2006,09:48)]Opinions are one thing. Continually posting negative points about the club and the manager are another.
I'm all for reasoned debate if another persons opinions are based on some semblance of knowledge and understanding about the topic at hand.
To continually slag off the players, the club and the management as Wiggy does deserves to have vitriol directed back at it.

I to am disappointed that we haven't made more loan signings, but rather than come on here berating Tilly & Brush for not getting more in and accusing them of not having the desire to succeed I realise that they know far far more about the finances of the club and whats available to spend and who it is  we need to get in and in what positions.

If I believe that a person is talking bollocks and knows nothing about what they are talking about I have every right to voice those opinions and tell that person exactly that.

If Wiggy truly believes that the management, the coaching staff and ultimately the club as a whole do not have the desire  and aptitude to succeed at this level and puts those views across on here then she should at least put them into a reasoned argument with facts and figures etc but to just post such an opinion because the management haven't been able to get the players they wanted in on loan for whatever reason does, IMO, show a complete lack of understanding of what it takes to run and manage a professional football team.
Yes i am negative about some players, the last 4 if i remember were Emberson, Griemink, Clarke and Guttridge, where are they now, i am obviously a better judge of talent than Steve Tilson!
Dont get it, Tilson replaces the player you dont like andhave complained about for nearly a year with McCormack and you still complain.

Or dont you like McCormack either ?
For a start wiggy:

Bart > Darryl

it wasn't a question of talent but of unfortunate injury.
Love McCormack, good signing by Tilly, still gutted about Jay Smith and Borient have got what they deserve in sulky boy!
[b said:
Quote[/b] (wiggy @ Nov. 24 2006,16:33)]Love McCormack, good signing by Tilly, still gutted about Jay Smith and Borient have got what they deserve in sulky boy!
Unfortunately, I don't think we'll ever see the pre-last serious injury Jay Smith again, and it may take a move for him to get back playing to an acceptable standard...

It's a pity, but that football. Funny old game, Saint...