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Breaking News Court Case Adjourned


¡Viva la Aussielución! 🇦🇺 🦘 ⭐️
Staff member
Oct 27, 2003
SS2 Born & Bred 🦐

SOUTHEND United has won a temporary reprieve against going into administration over a £238,000 tax debt.
Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs on Thursday applied for an order at the High Court to send administrators in to run the company, branding it “demonstrably insolvent”.

The court heard the club had not filed any evidence to defend the application since it was served on June 28.
It also heard it faces a winding up petition at the court next week, from Charterhouse Commercial Finance over a £140,000 debt.

However Judge Mr Justice Newey gave the club 14 days to prepare its evidence and the case was adjourned until August 2.
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SOUTHEND United has won a temporary reprieve against going into administration over a £238,000 tax debt.
Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs on Thursday applied for an order at the High Court to send administrators in to run the company, branding it “demonstrably insolvent”.
The court heard the club had not filed any evidence to defend the application since it was served on June 28.
It also heard it faces a winding up petition at the court next week, from Charterhouse Commercial Finance over a £140,000 debt.
However Judge Mr Justice Newey gave the club 14 days to prepare its evidence and the case was adjourned until August 2.

**** sake!
Jesus christ :(

"it will be paid before the hearing" wasnt it? Gagh!

Wonder what Sturrock is thinking... "taxi" I would imagine! :D
Why doesn't he (sainsburys) just just pay the damn thing this has been going on for to long now, we need it paid, we need the embargo lifted, we need to get players.
Good news, I guess. We now have two weeks to turn up with a pretty damn good case as to why we haven't paid the bill. We still have the case over the £140,000 Charterhouse bill to be heard next week though. Time for Ron/Sainsburys to show us the money me thinks...
So the "It will be paid before the hearing" soundbite was utter bollocks again then!

Deep Joy
Another lie from ron martin. What a shock. "It wont even get to court as we will be paying the full amount before"

Your a liar martin and nobody believes a word you say.
Good news, I guess. We now have two weeks to turn up with a pretty damn good case as to why we haven't paid the bill. We still have the case over the £140,000 Charterhouse bill to be heard next week though. Time for Ron/Sainsburys to show us the money me thinks...

I'm not sure why. This presumably means that as HMRC's court action remains live the transfer embago stays in place. (Not mentioning, of course, the debt to the PFA, which will also have to be paid off before we can sign players). I can't see PS and TW sticking around too long, if this is the case.
Why have the club made no effort to defend themselves?


How do you defend the undefendable. He hasn't got the money and Sainsbury's want either a change at the top or serious assurances before they did dig deep again. I think we are deep trouble this time and the adjournment is just a stay of execution.
Where is the ****ing "Secured Funding" Ron said several times on his V-Blog's.