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Petition Here....

[b said:
Quote[/b] (TrueBlue @ Mar. 06 2005,10:37)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] ] (where we can also get signatures of non-sufc fans)
that wont help though because these people aint going to go to the north bank if it were changed anyway!
Yes, but it only takes a couple of sec's to do/get a signature. People wont care what the case is if you ask them nicely. The more signatures, the better the case their is. Its simple. Even i can work it out ...


[b said:
Quote[/b] (The General @ Mar. 06 2005,10:39)]Yes, but it only takes a couple of sec's to do/get a signature. People wont care what the case is if you ask them nicely.
I really don't mean to put a dampener on your efforts believe me, but I think you could be in for a rude shock there. People don't just sign any old petition if you ask them nicely.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (The General @ Mar. 06 2005,10:31)](where we can also get signatures of non-sufc fans)
What's the point in doing THAT?! So, the petition gets 1,000 signatures, the club reacts, and then only 50 people turn up in the bloody stand?! Get real, Kev ...


[b said:
Quote[/b] (The General @ Mar. 06 2005,10:39)]Yes, but it only takes a couple of sec's to do/get a signature. People wont care what the case is if you ask them nicely. The more signatures, the better the case their is. Its simple. Even i can work it out ...
... and apparently come to the wrong conclusion, Kev. We learnt last time round that it really ISN'T that simple. People will not just sign on a whim. They want to know WHY they are signing and WHAT the consequences are ...

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Javea Shrimper @ Mar. 06 2005,11:55)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (The General @ Mar. 06 2005,10:31)](where we can also get signatures of non-sufc fans)
What's the point in doing THAT?! So, the petition gets 1,000 signatures, the club reacts, and then only 50 people turn up in the bloody stand?! Get real, Kev ...


Well if the people who run this campaign want it to happen then they need all the signatures they can get ...
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Ron Manager @ Mar. 06 2005,10:51)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (The General @ Mar. 06 2005,10:39)]Yes, but it only takes a couple of sec's to do/get a signature. People wont care what the case is if you ask them nicely.
I really don't mean to put a dampener on your efforts believe me, but I think you could be in for a rude shock there. People don't just sign any old petition if you ask them nicely.
It wont be my effort. I wont be actively involved. I would like a return to the North Bank to happen, but only if the crowd's are going to be big enough for it to be warranted. Last time there were things to cut out/rip off/print etc... but people just can't be bothered to do that. Get a clipboard in front of me and ask me to sign it and it only takes 10 seconds and it doesn't conjure up any un-warranted effort for a lazy sod like me ...

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Well if the people who run this campaign want it to happen then they need all the signatures they can get ...
Very true we do but I also understand that if there is not enough people then the situation is not viable! so the situation calls for a fair display of views!
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Javea Shrimper @ Mar. 06 2005,10:10)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (TrueBlue @ Mar. 04 2005,14:35)]and 100!!! next target 150 good turn out for the online community I think
Are you sure you shouldn't be working for Labour's spin doctor department?!

14% of the registered users of the SZ community is far from a "good turnout", Scott!!

Really not sure about this stat.

As I've said before, the active community is far from 850.

In fact, if you sort members by posts in ascending order (200 per page), then number 400 has 7 posts. Hardly prolific.

Like I've said, 200 would seem a good number from an online poll.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (sufcintheprem @ Mar. 06 2005,15:05)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Jávea Shrimper @ Mar. 06 2005,10:10)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (TrueBlue @ Mar. 04 2005,14:35)]and 100!!! next target 150 good turn out for the online community I think
Are you sure you shouldn't be working for Labour's spin doctor department?! 14% of the registered users of the SZ community is far from a "good turnout", Scott!!

Really not sure about this stat. As I've said before, the active community is far from 850. In fact, if you sort members by posts in ascending order (200 per page), then number 400 has 7 posts.  Hardly prolific. Like I've said, 200 would seem a good number from an online poll.
OK. 815 registered members. Still not prolific. And if you look through the petition, there are plenty who are probably not even registered with SZ ... and there are instances when people have actually signed twice. Ron Martin already made it clear that he would be looking at around 800 POSITIVE signatories who would MOVE to the North Bank if it was handed back to home fans. There are currently 138 signatures. And some of those advocate the move but wouldn't move themselves : "Anything that gets the Chav scum out of the West and into the North gets my vote!"

[b said:
Quote[/b] (The General @ Mar. 06 2005,12:12)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Jávea Shrimper @ Mar. 06 2005,11:55)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (The General @ Mar. 06 2005,10:31)](where we can also get signatures of non-sufc fans)
What's the point in doing THAT?! So, the petition gets 1,000 signatures, the club reacts, and then only 50 people turn up in the bloody stand?! Get real, Kev ...


Well if the people who run this campaign want it to happen then they need all the signatures they can get ...
I refer the honourable gentlemen to the answer I gave before : what's the point?!


[b said:
Quote[/b] (The General @ Mar. 06 2005,13:12)]Well if the people who run this campaign want it to happen then they need all the signatures they can get ...
If you had the best interests of the club at heart, you wouldn't be thinking like that.

What if a petition was handed in with enough signatures of non-supporters to sway the club to fork out a substantial amount of money to return the NB to home fans (who will not attend Roots Hall, let alone the North Bank)?

Then, because the decision is made based on false information, the number of fans actually using the NB is much lower than expected and not financially viable, the club would have spent a lot of money to please a minority.

That's okay by you, is it? Just so long as you got your way?

More posts like this, and the club will more than likely not trust any kind of petition handed in.

[b said:
Quote[/b] (overseas shrimper @ Mar. 07 2005,08:12)]More posts like this, and the club will more than likely not trust any kind of petition handed in.

Agreed. I think these posts have already done irrepairable damage to the "campaign" before it's even got started, OS. I very much doubt the club would take on board such a petition - especially one signed by less than 800 fans AND by a percentage who couldn't care less about the North Bank - and I feel for those who had a genuine interest in making a move back. Some people need to take a real good think before posting - and probably apologise to those trying so hard ...


[b said:
Quote[/b] (TrueBlue @ Mar. 07 2005,08:14)]Even though I wish for a return I certanly don't wish the club to lose money in anyway if it can be helped!
So, get hold of the campaign by the balls, assign OFFICIAL spokesmen, and either stop others posting stupid remarks like those above or distance yourselves from them ...

[b said:
Quote[/b] (TrueBlue @ Mar. 07 2005,16:41)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]and either stop others posting stupid remarks like those above
is that not a job for the admin of the site?
I hope that'll never be the case. Far too much like censorship for my liking.

I think their point is that if the people who make those posts are thought to be under your campaign management team, you have two options: Accept their views as part of the campaign or treat them as someone outside the campaign.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (TrueBlue @ Mar. 07 2005,16:41)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]and either stop others posting stupid remarks like those above
is that not a job for the admin of the site?
Why on earth would it be the job of the admin of the site?!

I refer to Kev's remarks about there being nothing wrong in getting anyone to sign the petition in order to ensure that the campaign receives as many signatures as possible. I think he fails to understand that not only could such a policy be regarded as fraudulent but also that it would be counter-productive to the campaign. So the petition receives 1,000 plus signatures, the club opens the North Bank on the strength of feeling that was being demonstrated by those signatories ... but only 200 actually turn up in the stand, just 25% of the minimum required by SUFC to make the project viable and therefore it has become a complete waste of money.

Either Kev speaks on behalf of the campaign - and you (or whoever it is that is spearheading the new effort) accepts that Kev is indeed an official spokesman - or you need to denounce his statements as contrary to the efforts of the campaign and request him to keep such thoughts to himself. After all, they would be counter-productive to the success of the campaign.

The ball is in your court, chaps ...

Unless posts are libellous, offensive and blatantly off-topic I can't see any reason why someone iadministering the message board should delete postings you disagree with.

It's a bit hypocritical, really, using this site to get as much publicity as you can for a campaign then saying its' someone else's job to deal with issues directly arising from it.

JS has offered his advice having been behind a previous enquiry into this issue. I'd take up the invitation straight away as if this campaign is to have any success it needs all the help from committed fans it can get. I wish you well.
Yes. Im the leader of the gang and speak for all and sundry. We must get everyone to sign it. Orient fans, Col Ewe fans, everyone!! Lets even chuck in a few forge's and even get the grandmother to sign it.

Night all,
