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[b said:
Quote[/b] (Jávea Shrimper @ Jan. 16 2005,09:10)]Sorry. I forgot that one is not allowed to have an opinion in President Blair's PC rotten dictatorship ... lucky I'm in Spain then and can say what I like ...


Because obviously Spain has never been a dictatorship.

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Mad Cyril @ Jan. 17 2005,14:42)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Jávea Shrimper @ Jan. 16 2005,09:10)]Sorry. I forgot that one is not allowed to have an opinion in President Blair's PC rotten dictatorship ... lucky I'm in Spain then and can say what I like ...


Because obviously Spain has never been a dictorship.

Dictorship? Not that I know of.

But it hasn't been under the realms of a dictatorship since the late 70s. Unlike the UK is now ...


[b said:
Quote[/b] (Einstein @ Jan. 17 2005,10:40)]Everyone is entitled to an opinion, however your constant moaning about this country is just plain pathetic and immature. If it is so terrible then request a change of nationality and while you’re at it you might as well never speak English again either, if after all this country is such a disgrace.
¡Vete a la mierda!

Puedo decir lo que me gusta y usted no va a pararme. Mi opinión es solamente esto. Una opinión. Si no te gusta esto entonces usted no tiene que leerlo o comentar sobre ello. Pero los comentarios de gillipolas como usted me hacen aún más feliz que he dejado Inglaterra para una mucho mejor vida aquí en España.



[b said:
Quote[/b] (Benfleetshrimp @ Jan. 16 2005,13:09)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Jávea Shrimper @ Jan. 16 2005,09:10)]Sorry. I forgot that one is not allowed to have an opinion in President Blair's PC rotten dictatorship ... lucky I'm in Spain then and can say what I like ...


Its not about not being allowed to have an opinion far from it. Perhaps I worded my post too strongly.  
No worries ...

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Javea Shrimper @ Jan. 17 2005,19:26)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Einstein @ Jan. 17 2005,10:40)]Everyone is entitled to an opinion, however your constant moaning about this country is just plain pathetic and immature. If it is so terrible then request a change of nationality and while you’re at it you might as well never speak English again either, if after all this country is such a disgrace.
¡Vete a la mierda!

Puedo decir lo que me gusta y usted no va a pararme. Mi opinión es solamente esto. Una opinión. Si no te gusta esto entonces usted no tiene que leerlo o comentar sobre ello. Pero los comentarios de gillipolas como usted me hacen aún más feliz que he dejado Inglaterra para una mucho mejor vida aquí en España.



For those that are having trouble reading.....clicky.

In English:

Veto to the excrement! I can say what I like and you are not going to stop to me. My opinion is only this. An opinion. If you do not like this then you you do not have to read it or to comment on it. But the commentaries of gillipolas as you me make happy still more that I have left England for far better a life here in Spain. Pringao!