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Scrap the Monarchy - Solve the financial crisis ?

* ORM *

Still Loves Emma Bunton. Roy McDonough is God!
Nov 7, 2003
Flying the flag for SUFC in Sai Kung, Hong Kong
Seeing that the Queen has scrapped the annual staff party to graciously save the nation 50k (why can't she use her own savings) led me to think. I'm a confirmed anti-royalist so my arguments would probably not be balanced. I've never seen the attraction or the proven benefit to the country.

Would we solve the current doldrums by scrapping the monarch or, a bit like the sale of Gold reserves a few years back (significantly below current Market value), would it just provide temporary relief ?

I have grudging respect for the Q and Princess Anne. Not their fault they were born into it but by royal standards both doing their bit.
Is pretty much like saying, lets get rid of the pope, and hoping it has no affects on the number of people who visit, and therefore spend money, in the Vatican.
I guess depends if you view the Royal staff there because Elisabeth Windsor or there because the Queen is the head of the State and the Commonwealth, as latter why should she personally spend her personal money. Tony working for an American Bank, I guess if your CEO scrapped the annual party to save the company money would you still expect her/him to pay for one out of his personal wealth??

Another question was it the Queen that caused the financial crisis, or those pesky bankers? Especially the ones based Stateside?
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Seeing that the Queen has scrapped the annual staff party to graciously save the nation 50k (why can't she use her own savings) led me to think. I'm a confirmed anti-royalist so my arguments would probably not be balanced. I've never seen the attraction or the proven benefit to the country.

Would we solve the current doldrums by scrapping the monarch or, a bit like the sale of Gold reserves a few years back (significantly below current Market value), would it just provide temporary relief ?

I have grudging respect for the Q and Princess Anne. Not their fault they were born into it but by royal standards both doing their bit.

The Royal Family generate more money for the economy than they take from it. Does your 'grudging respect' extend to Prince Andrew for his actions in 1982 and Prince Harry in 2007/8 as well?
I don't think there is a way round not having a head of state to represent the country. It can't be the PM as the PM has actual important things to do, but you need someone to turn up at funerals or entertain foreign dignatries etc.

Whoever performs this function is going to incur costs. I'm all for squeezing their budgets and minimising their expenditure - for example I wouldn't bother spending £10m entertaining the head of state for the 222nd biggest country in the world (by population) both on grounds of proportionality and to protest against their medieval/dark age values on most issues - but ultimately you're still going to have to spend money on that type of stuff.

I'd far rather have a neutral head of state like QEII than a President Blair. Charlie seems to be a bit too opinionated to be an appropriate replacement (does anyone respect him?), so I'd have thought the natural replacement as global ambassador for Great Britain once Her Maj pops it would be Becks. He's already well versed in the ways of glad-handing (cf his work campaiging for London 2012 and for the 2018 World Cup) and is recognised the world over with everyone keen to meet him. I don't think he's ever voiced a political opinion, although we might have to encourage him to ditch a few of the commercial endorsements (or use it to fund his role).
The Royal Family generate more money for the economy than they take from it. Does your 'grudging respect' extend to Prince Andrew for his actions in 1982 and Prince Harry in 2007/8 as well?

I'm not sure the Royal Family do generate a great deal for the economy, but I suspect the Royal Estates such as Windsor, Buckingham Palace do. Plus the 1000's who'll go to the Tower of London to see the Crown Jewels.

I am in the main in favour of the Monarchy, but not necessarily the extended Royal Family. I think only the Queen and perhaps the immediate family should benefit from the Civil List the rest should get jobs. It's normal for the Princes to join the Armed Forces for a period, Charles was an RN Officer for many years, Andrew a helicopter pilot in the Falklands, Harry recently in Afghanistan and William who is with the Airforce (I think).

I reckon politically the Queen is probably more astute than many of our PM's and also the majority of world leaders. As an aside when the Queen does pass away I would think that many Commonwealth Nations will become Republics, such is the respect she is held in they will hold off in taking this step in the remainder of her lifetime.
The Royal Family generate more money for the economy than they take from it. Does your 'grudging respect' extend to Prince Andrew for his actions in 1982 and Prince Harry in 2007/8 as well?

Andrew and Harry have done good work but spend too much time chasing skirt to be considered heroes.

The real hero is Prince Charles. You don't get a chest full of medals for doing nothing and Charles' medal collection puts the likes of Idi Amin to shame.

I'm not sure the Royal Family do generate a great deal for the economy, but I suspect the Royal Estates such as Windsor, Buckingham Palace do. Plus the 1000's who'll go to the Tower of London to see the Crown Jewels.

Let's not forget all the free fags etc. 'by royal appointment'.
Andrew and Harry have done good work but spend too much time chasing skirt to be considered heroes.

The real hero is Prince Charles. You don't get a chest full of medals for doing nothing and Charles' medal collection puts the likes of Idi Amin to shame.


**** that, it costs a bomb to mount medals. Usually a fiver per medal. So if you mount your first, its a fiver, then to get a second mounted a tenner and so on. I'll stick to having 2 medals thanks, and only 1 I'm allowed to wear.
The Royal Family generate more money for the economy than they take from it. Does your 'grudging respect' extend to Prince Andrew for his actions in 1982 and Prince Harry in 2007/8 as well?

Woah. Hands up I'd not deliberately overlooked these. Was Andrew close to the real action or was the stories about him being well shielded an urban myth ?

We don't have Christmas parties and being an American bank we don't have Christmas cards but we are permitted Festive Cards in the same vein that our Prism society has organised cheap family tickets for London Zoo but only for the TG, L, G and Bi community.

Also where's any robust evidence for or against the financial benefit ? Like any similar subject it's hard to find a neutral, objective study.
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Woah. Hands up I'd not deliberately overlooked these. Was Andrew close to the real action or was the stories about him being well shielded an urban myth ?

Also where's any robust evidence for or against the financial benefit ? Like any similar subject it's hard to find a neutral, objective study.

To be fair, I didn't think it was. I don't know how close Andrew was (when I went there, the war had just finished (27 years previously) but put it this way; I suspect the sailors on board the Sir Galahad and the Sheffield though they were safe...

Naturally, i will admit, I'm biased. I've spent 5 years, 11 months, and 361 days working for the Queen, and I've sworn an oath of alliegence to her. Whilst I can't back up my comment with figures, I'd say the money the Royal family generate is almost immeasurable. THe cab rides to Buck Palace to see the changing of the guard, or even the flight from Japan to visit London. When foriegners visit the UK, they dont often come just to visit Roots Hall (though they should), the main attractions to them are Buck Palace etc. The Royal Family are part of what makes Britain Great. (Plus I'd like to bang the sh*t out of three of the Queen's granddaughters.)

God Save The Queen!!!!!!!!!!!

So the Royal Family cost about £40 million. Not actually that much, considering the work she does as an ambassador,and the immeasurable amount of money having a Royal Family raises....

But it's not like they are skint, is it?

I say give them nothing - they have enough assets they can generate an income from.
But it's not like they are skint, is it?

I say give them nothing - they have enough assets they can generate an income from.

indeed, and just because they generate an immeasurable amount of income, doesn't automatically waive them from being taken into consideration along with all the other cuts that are happening. That BBC piece mentions the Queen might be looking to increase her 'allowance' from the govt. cheeky bint
You do realise this isn't a question of just getting rid of an ASBO family from Shoebury, the Queen is the Head of State. Gordon Brown had to formally ask the Queen for permission to dissolve Parliament, David Cameron had to wait for an invite from Her Majesty to form a Government. Up until 1998 killing the Queen still carried the death penalty. It still should IMO.
I'd like a comparison of the cost/benefits of the Royal Family and that of the population of work shy layabouts who retire at 17 with bad backs and spend their life taking and reproducing. Of all the problems in Britain, I personally don't consider the Royal Family to be one of them.
iThat BBC piece mentions the Queen might be looking to increase her 'allowance' from the govt. cheeky bint
Care to inform me what exactly 'her allowance' means and how it is spent??

As with everything it is easy to make misguided opinions when you do not know the full facts.