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Echo News Southend United chairman Ron Martin to hold talks with 'frustrated' Sol Campbell

I would hope they talk most days, Ron and Sol surely?
And the other coaches, staff and players should be in regular discussions and contact.

The manager has not spoken directly with any player since lockdown nor has he replied to texts or through another person when asked to forward a question
Confidence or arrogance is a fine line

You may think why with his stock fairly high at Macclesfield why he couldn’t get another role, until we came along and then not No 1 or 2 choice despite the rumblings from the Chairman

You don’t have the worse record as a manager just through the players, it’s a man management thing which it seems he sadly lacks when chips are down
He needs to change his high horse opinion especially with cryptic arse messages on Instagram and live in the real world, little money, division 2 or find another to suit his agenda of world domination

We can survive without him but not without Ron
The manager has not spoken directly with any player since lockdown nor has he replied to texts or through another person when asked to forward a question
Confidence or arrogance is a fine line

We can survive without him but not without Ron

That is terrible man management and surely has not happened in most clubs.
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Is he furloughed though? as that stops him from working if so doesn't it?

I'm furloughed and I still message the people I manage once a week to check in and see how they are. Barely anything directly work-related is mentioned, but checking in to see how they are doing when you haven't been able to see them for nearly 3 months is basic people management.
If, and I say if, he hasn’t contacted his players then it is poor man management. If he isn’t allowed too due to furlough then fine but I would have thought a quick call would be allowed. Also don’t think all players were furloughed so he should be able to talk to those that were not furloughed
If, and I say if, he hasn’t contacted his players then it is poor man management. If he isn’t allowed too due to furlough then fine but I would have thought a quick call would be allowed. Also don’t think all players were furloughed so he should be able to talk to those that were not furloughed

I guess it also depends on whether he has been furloughed along with the players, if so I doubt he's been kept in the loop by Ron on what's happening and therefore can't answer the players questions because he simply won't know.
If, and I say if, he hasn’t contacted his players then it is poor man management. If he isn’t allowed too due to furlough then fine but I would have thought a quick call would be allowed. Also don’t think all players were furloughed so he should be able to talk to those that were not furloughed

Being on furlough wouldn’t stop him checking in with the lads. My work has been shut since the end of March and we have weekly teams meetings just to check in and make sure everyone is ok. For a mental health perspective this is crucial to check in with all the members of your team. If Sol hasn’t done this then it shows what sort of person he is, only out for number one. What is the harm in sending the players a text or giving them a quick call to just check in?

I would love to find out from the players what contact they’ve had with the club and from who.
The manager has not spoken directly with any player since lockdown nor has he replied to texts or through another person when asked to forward a question
Confidence or arrogance is a fine line

You may think why with his stock fairly high at Macclesfield why he couldn’t get another role, until we came along and then not No 1 or 2 choice despite the rumblings from the Chairman

You don’t have the worse record as a manager just through the players, it’s a man management thing which it seems he sadly lacks when chips are down
He needs to change his high horse opinion especially with cryptic arse messages on Instagram and live in the real world, little money, division 2 or find another to suit his agenda of world domination

We can survive without him but not without Ron

That's unbelievably bad, it will give the players no respect for him and consequently they won't perform for him next season either. They will see him as a billy big bollicks, I played in the prem dontcha know, kinda guy. With small clubs like ours togetherness and team spirit is very important, in these difficult times many players will be worried, a good manager would be there to listen and help.
That's unbelievably bad, it will give the players no respect for him and consequently they won't perform for him next season either. They will see him as a billy big bollicks, I played in the prem dontcha know, kinda guy. With small clubs like ours togetherness and team spirit is very important, in these difficult times many players will be worried, a good manager would be there to listen and help.
Absolutely CAP. Especially with young players that contact, reassurance, chat, encouragement, fitness routine checking, diet words, SUPPORT is very important. Many of the lads may not be too bright or have that in their lives.
By Contrast:
Many, many years ago I flew with the team & saw David Webb shepherding the kids in the squad, especially Christian Hyslopp, onto a flight, sort their kit, get seated etc, to and from the "Speedie fiasco" Blackburn game: and he was a real father figure, "mother hen", organiser, baggage checker etc.
Absolutely CAP. Especially with young players that contact, reassurance, chat, encouragement, fitness routine checking, diet words, SUPPORT is very important. Many of the lads may not be too bright or have that in their lives.
By Contrast:
Many, many years ago I flew with the team & saw David Webb shepherding the kids in the squad, especially Christian Hyslopp, onto a flight, sort their kit, get seated etc, to and from the "Speedie fiasco" Blackburn game: and he was a real father figure, "mother hen", organiser, baggage checker etc.

Also as a contrast, this is what our manager said in the local press a few weeks ago.

“I’ve been on the phone to Bally (Steve Ball) a lot and also Perry Blanchette and the players, along with the goalkeeper coach Smudger (Darren Smith) where we chew the fat.

“We talk about things like ideas for training and Perry brings us up to date on the players’ fitness programmes on a daily basis.

“I’ve also been having Zoom chats and conference calls with Robbie Cowling, Tony Humes, Jon De Souza and that’s been brilliant.

“We've had a good chat with each of the players on an individual basis.

“We asked them first and foremost if both they and their families were safe – that was the big one - and then talked about their fitness programmes that they’ve been busy doing, since we’ve been away from the training ground.”
Remind me again..how do we know for sure he (or indeed Herman) have had no conversations at all with any of the players? Source?

The last thread on Sol was about him leaving because some Daily Mail journalist made two plus two equal five followed by pages of pointless discussion- who's the source this time?

Before we tease out all the people who don't like the man for all sorts of personal reasons it would be good to know the discussion is based on fact.
If it’s true that any manager hasn’t spoken to any of the players that’s bad form. I’ve had twice weekly calls with my boss (I’m furloughed) and we haven’t once discussed work. Others I know on furlough haven’t heard a thing. Think it’s really important to maintain contact.
Edited after reading post above : no, we don’t know this is true about Sol and I’m not referring to him specifically as this is merely a rumour on a message board!
The manager has not spoken directly with any player since lockdown nor has he replied to texts or through another person when asked to forward a question
Confidence or arrogance is a fine line

You may think why with his stock fairly high at Macclesfield why he couldn’t get another role, until we came along and then not No 1 or 2 choice despite the rumblings from the Chairman

You don’t have the worse record as a manager just through the players, it’s a man management thing which it seems he sadly lacks when chips are down
He needs to change his high horse opinion especially with cryptic arse messages on Instagram and live in the real world, little money, division 2 or find another to suit his agenda of world domination

We can survive without him but not without Ron

That's some pretty depressing reading. To add some balance and try to get my head around it (and without wanting to shoot the messenger), how do you know this? And what's going on that would make someone not reach out and connect with his team? Even the most aloof man would naturally be having conversations with his team - or so you'd think?

Ron took time to say "He [Sol]'s a very good person and a very dedicated guy" in his Echo interview (and he didn't have to by any stretch) so where's this all falling down?
Remind me again..how do we know for sure he (or indeed Herman) have had no conversations at all with any of the players? Source?

The last thread on Sol was about him leaving because some Daily Mail journalist made two plus two equal five followed by pages of pointless discussion- who's the source this time?

Before we tease out all the people who don't like the man for all sorts of personal reasons it would be good to know the discussion is based on fact.

I really hope it isn’t true.
Being on furlough wouldn’t stop him checking in with the lads. My work has been shut since the end of March and we have weekly teams meetings just to check in and make sure everyone is ok. For a mental health perspective this is crucial to check in with all the members of your team. If Sol hasn’t done this then it shows what sort of person he is, only out for number one. What is the harm in sending the players a text or giving them a quick call to just check in?

I would love to find out from the players what contact they’ve had with the club and from who.
That’s why I said If he hasn’t.

I know my wife cannot discuss nothing work with he boss as she has been furloughed. It’s retail and she is due back 3rd July now but can’t discuss anything till 1st July after her furlough ends 30th June. Fixed term contract maternity cover, so she only goes back for 2 months having been taken on for a year
I guess it also depends on whether he has been furloughed along with the players, if so I doubt he's been kept in the loop by Ron on what's happening and therefore can't answer the players questions because he simply won't know.
Good point I hadn’t looked at that aspect, but I think the press release said 6 players had been furloughed, long while ago so can’t remember specifically.