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Transfer Time


Life President⭐
Oct 2, 2004
After a lack of players, the transfer list has been flooded today.

I have 10.5m in the bank. Who can I realistically get here?


3. Steve van Schalkwyk shortcut £10,200,000 (bluedogs)
Plays for: Victoria Titans Stamina: superb* W/Keeping: competent
Age: 21 years old Batting: sensational Concentration: elite
BT Rating: 284,037 Bowling: exquisite Consistency: phenomenal
Deadline: 18/02/2010 22:23 Fielding: wonderful

Wage: 120k

Colin Nolan shortcut £7,500,000 (opening price)
Plays for: Team Origin Stamina: superb W/Keeping: abysmal
Age: 29 years old Batting: sensational Concentration: remarkable
BT Rating: 132,968 Bowling: sensational Consistency: sensational
Deadline: 19/02/2010 10:55 Fielding: strong

Wage: 62k

6. Max Charl shortcut £10,650,000 (opening price)
Plays for: Bendigo Bullants Stamina: superb W/Keeping: worthless
Age: 27 years old Batting: sensational Concentration: sensational
BT Rating: 162,414 Bowling: exceptional Consistency: exquisite
Deadline: 19/02/2010 12:33 Fielding: exceptional

Wage: 64k

7. Joey Gilks shortcut £0 (opening price)
Plays for: bellissimo cc Stamina: superb W/Keeping: worthless
Age: 23 years old Batting: sensational Concentration: quality
BT Rating: 136,704 Bowling: miraculous Consistency: wonderful
Deadline: 19/02/2010 13:34 Fielding: competent

Wage: 99k

8. Christian Gobern shortcut £0 (opening price)
Plays for: bellissimo cc Stamina: superb* W/Keeping: worthless
Age: 28 years old Batting: sensational Concentration: remarkable
BT Rating: 117,894 Bowling: exquisite Consistency: exquisite
Deadline: 19/02/2010 13:34 Fielding: respectable

Wage: 75k


3. Joe Ogrady shortcut £8,576,619 (AK-47 XI)
Plays for: Buzzard Boys Stamina: superb W/Keeping: proficient
Age: 21 years old Batting: exquisite Concentration: masterful
BT Rating: 116,810 Bowling: worthless Consistency: proficient
Deadline: 17/02/2010 12:46 Fielding: superb

Wage: 44k (will rise though next season I'm sure)

9. Jack Thompson shortcut £6,367,248 (AK-47 XI)
Plays for: T'gatta B Cricket Club Stamina: superb* W/Keeping: woeful
Age: 25 years old Batting: sensational Concentration: exceptional
BT Rating: 78,911 Bowling: worthless Consistency: woeful
Deadline: 18/02/2010 11:28 Fielding: respectable

Wage: 37k

21. Bill Westhead shortcut £6,500,000 (opening price)
Plays for: Mt Lawley Panthers Stamina: superb W/Keeping: superb
Age: 29 years old Batting: exquisite Concentration: elite
BT Rating: 166,652 Bowling: abysmal Consistency: respectable
Deadline: 19/02/2010 08:47 Fielding: feeble

Wage: 70k

23. Roland Wilkerson shortcut £5,000,000 (opening price)
Plays for: Foxes In The Snow Stamina: superb* W/Keeping: masterful
Age: 20 years old Batting: sensational Concentration: masterful
BT Rating: 156,796 Bowling: worthless Consistency: proficient
Deadline: 19/02/2010 10:47 Fielding: proficient

Wage: 84k

Plenty of options have left me pondering what to do. I'm sure some will go above my budget, but which ones?
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Charl's been put on there quite a bit recently.

Glad there's a bit more movement, I've been looking for a bowler for the last couple of weeks
Being lazy here, but what are their wages?

Wages are the key factor in deciding what is affordable.
Gobern looks a good bet to me...

Edit - In fact, he'd be excatly what I was looking for, if only I had another 3m in the bank....
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Gobern is the one I was thinking too, not sure if I'll have the money though, really out the loop for transfer prices, especially with all-rounders.
I reckon he's 10m+, although with so many going on the market in a short space of time, you might pick up a bargain, as there might not be that many people about with the cash at this time of the season...

I paid 13m for Lindop about 4 weeks ago...

Leighton Lindop (1269237) Leighton is a LH Batsman and LM Bowler. He is a defensive player with mediocre leadership skills and remarkable experience.

He currently has superb batting form, strong bowling form and lively fitness.

Nationality: England
Dual Nationality: Australia
Age: 25 Years Old
Battrick Rating: 236,278 (+4431)
Wages: £107,289 p/w
Stamina: superb Wicket Keeping: competent
Batting: exquisite Concentration: elite
Bowling: exquisite Consistency: sensational
Fielding: quality
I can afford to wait and see, as Gobern ends after Friday's game, leaving me a week to still find a new player before serious action starts again due to me throwing my cup game and BT20. Will see if a bargain can be had. If not, I'll lower my sights to a batsman only.

Lindop looks some player. Is he performing well for you?
Another all-rounder on the market:

5. Ken Whibread (1267411) shortcut

Ken is a LH Batsman and LFM Bowler. He is a steady player with mediocre leadership skills and remarkable experience.

He currently has superb batting form, superb bowling form and lively fitness.
Plays For: CHCC
Nationality: England
Age: 25 Years Old
Battrick Rating: 132,139
Wages: £76,600 p/w

Stamina: superb Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: sensational Concentration: remarkable
Bowling: sensational Consistency: wonderful
Fielding: proficient
Just picked up this guy for 4.4m, going to put him on 1 x stamina, 1 x w/k and 1x fielding to try and boost him a bit.

Nicolas Frazer (351353) Nicolas is a RH Batsman and LFM Bowler. He is a cautious player with woeful leadership skills and elite experience.

He currently has superb batting form, superb bowling form and fresh fitness.

Nationality: England
Age: 30 Years Old
Battrick Rating: 58,260 (+293)
Wages: £30,289 p/w
Stamina: respectable Wicket Keeping: abysmal
Batting: worthless Concentration: abysmal
Bowling: sensational Consistency: wonderful
Fielding: feeble
Schoeman will be going on the market tomorrow, as he's now my weakest bowler and only my 5th strongest batter. Should get somewhere around 7m for him, giving me 11m to find a replacement.

Carl Schoeman (1063884) Carl is a LH Batsman and RF Bowler. He is an attacking player with mediocre leadership skills and wonderful experience.

He currently has mediocre batting form, strong bowling form and sublime fitness.

Nationality: England
Age: 26 Years Old
Battrick Rating: 159,123 (+4302)
Wages: £51,590 p/w

Stamina: superb Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: wonderful Concentration: elite
Bowling: wonderful Consistency: sensational
Fielding: superb
How's about this one?

7. Francis Edwards (1918158) shortcut

Francis is a RH Batsman and RF Bowler. He is a steady player with mediocre leadership skills and competent experience.

He currently has strong batting form, superb bowling form and sublime fitness.
Plays For: AK-47 XI
Nationality: South Africa
Age: 22 Years Old
Battrick Rating: 122,841
Wages: £58,483 p/w

Stamina: superb Wicket Keeping: competent
Batting: wonderful Concentration: remarkable
Bowling: exquisite Consistency: sensational
Fielding: respectable
Museshrimper said:
How's about this one?

7. Francis Edwards (1918158) shortcut

Francis is a RH Batsman and RF Bowler. He is a steady player with mediocre leadership skills and competent experience.

He currently has strong batting form, superb bowling form and sublime fitness.
Plays For: AK-47 XI
Nationality: South Africa
Age: 22 Years Old
Battrick Rating: 122,841
Wages: £58,483 p/w

Stamina: superb Wicket Keeping: competent
Batting: wonderful Concentration: remarkable
Bowling: exquisite Consistency: sensational
Fielding: respectable
Yep, he's on the list Muse ;)

Mind you there's not a huge amount on there at the moment....
You lot are braver than me using the transfer market! I've bought the likes of Browne, Zamora, Guy, Sookram but all at a very young age (17 or 18) and trained them up to their current standard. Only ever spent 33 million and 20 million of that was for Cook and Johnson! I just feel you can pay too much for players and without wishing to sound like Andee, prefer developing the younger players.

Today i hit 3000 members and sit 95th in England!! However, having contacted Sky Blues, he's playing his full strength team against me this week and then a full second team next week so 22 points are guaranteed next week but i think im going to try and eek out some batting points and perhaps a bowling point or two as every point is crucial. Im only 4 clear of 2nd so things will make a bit more sense to me in 2 weeks time on the FC format. Bit of a bugger as he'd lost his last 2 FC games on purpose but suspected he'd want to win once out of the two.

Decisions, decisions, decisions!
With the member numbers shooting up (3,217 now) and consequent increased gates I've noticed I'm making money more easily which makes me think I can probably afford another £100k pw of wages if I need to. So will be looking to get myself a miraculous bowler at some stage to go alongside the four all rounders. I have over £5m in the bank and have McGee (wonderful/masterful but 30yo), Oates (17, proficient batting, respectable bowling) and Hartburn (superb bowling) to sell. Should give me a reasonable pot to spend when the time comes.

Once I've done that, most of my nets will then be used for investment rather than team development. It takes so long to bring a player to first team standard now and I think the profits I've taking say a Week 5 respectable 17yo, training on a single net and selling at strong or superb are pretty good. If I can pick up 5 of those every two seasons I'm figuring I can make enough to sustain a higher wage bill and make improvements to my team as and when necessary.

We shall see......
What he said

I've made most of my transfers this season on the back of the 4m I got for my 18yo SL trainee. I've then just improved the worst bowler / batter each time.

Got a bid of 6.5m on Schoeman, so we've got 10.5m in the bank. I've bid 9.72m on this guy, be happy to get him.

Raymond Burns (950024) Raymond is a LH Batsman and LFM Bowler. He is a defensive player with woeful leadership skills and masterful experience.

He currently has strong batting form, strong bowling form and energetic fitness.

Plays For: -Chaos-
Nationality: New Zealand
Dual Nationality: England
Age: 27 Years Old
Battrick Rating: 150,985
Wages: £75,836 p/w
Stamina: superb* Wicket Keeping: feeble
Batting: exquisite Concentration: wonderful
Bowling: sensational Consistency: sensational
Fielding: remarkable
Big price for Schoeman IMO. Well done. Makes me even happier I paid slightly more for sensational batting exquisite bowling the other week.
Just bought a trainee to spunk all my spare nets on, and he's a spinner

Marc Baxter

Marc is a LH Batsman and LH Spin Bowler. He is an attacking player with abysmal leadership skills and woeful experience.

He currently has respectable batting form, superb bowling form and invigorated fitness.
Plays For: Southend United
Nationality: England
Age: 17 Years Old
Battrick Rating: 7,039 (+600)
Wages: £1,012 p/w
Stamina: woeful Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: mediocre Concentration: worthless
Bowling: proficient Consistency: competent
Fielding: feeble