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Am I being thick? How is this good news?

'Ryan Hall has had his sentence reduced to 12 weeks in prison & suspended for 12 months, he must also complete 150 hours unpaid work"

It means that unless he runs into more trouble in the next twelve months then he won't have to serve the time.
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To describe a kick from a footballer as being akin to a punch from a boxer isn't really that accurate. If I had to receive a kick at all, I'd rather have it from a footballer on a night out wearing regular shoes than some yob with steel toe cap boots. Plus the fact that it isn't actually necessary to kick the ball that hard in order to become a footballer; timing and the motion of the ball does more to influence the speed of the shot than simply the power in the leg.

Shame the judge hadnt seen Blairs shooting to go by as an example ;-)
It means that unless he runs into more trouble in the next twelve months then he won't have to serve the time.

Oh gotcha, I thought it meant it's suspended but still has to serve 12 weeks!

Great NEWS ! He has a club and a lot of fans who have stood by him in his time of trouble doubtless he will know tho that should anything happen like it again
he wont have that same support ...he has been given a break now lets see him play even better now all the worry of court cases are behind him and help the club push for play offs coz if he can play that good with all that pressure the mind boggles at what more he as a player can achieve .
Also think Tara deserves a mention for strong stance he held for Ryans appeal well done
sensible decision.. About time our justice system had some common sense.

Hall- Hall will tear them apart again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good news but you wonder how two Judges can see things so radically different.

Good work by the Club and their legal team. Hopefully Ryan learns from this.

Why the club? This has nothing to do with them. What you mean is good work by Hall's legal team.
Am I being thick? How is this good news?

'Ryan Hall has had his sentence reduced to 12 weeks in prison & suspended for 12 months, he must also complete 150 hours unpaid work"

It means that unless he runs into more trouble in the next twelve months then he won't have to serve the time.

It also means that the answer to your first question is yes.
Just got back from Court 3.

Sentence reduced to twelve weeks suspended for 12 months, attached condition to the suspension order that Hall satisfactorily complete 150 hours unpaid community service.

Having sat through the appeal and having seen what evidence there was and the CCTV footage, which was basically the evidence, thought it was a close call but I think justice was done. To clear one thing up, the Court accepted that the CCTV wasn't clear enough and from the right angle to determine whether the kick landed on the upper body or, possibly the lower face.

Thought it was a very fair hearing, Crown barrister was not too great but Hall's barrister was good, right on the ball and was able to quote timings from the CCTV to within the second so had obviously prepared well and hit just the right note of contrition for the Justices I felt.
Good to see a full public gallery and a good representation from the club, TB, Easton, etc., to which the barrister referred.

Barrister also stated that the club fully intend to stand by Hall.

Incidentally, according to the court Hall has no previous convictions but did receive a caution for criminal damage in November, IIRC, 2007.

Also came out that Clohessy was given a caution for his part in the incident.

Something I found a little strange was that no evidence of injury could be submitted with regard to the guy that Hall kicked because he and all the other protagonists remain unidentified as they all refused to make a complaint and all refused to give the police their details, I'm sure I won't be the only one that finds it strange that you can get away with refusing to give your name, etc, to a police officer in a case such as this. Think it also gives a little indication as to how much they contributed to the incident.

Also good to report that there were no little smiles or smirks from Hall or anyone from the club just a fair bit of thank yous and shaking of barristers hands and a lot of relieved looks. Did mention to Easton that I thought it was a close one and a salutory lesson to which he replied 'tell us about it.' Hope that it is taken as a shot across the bows and we see no more court appearances, at least for this sort of thing, certainly from Hall's body language I don't think we'll be seeing him anywhere near a court any time soon.[/QUOT

At the time of the incident the aggrieved was asked if he wanted to make a complaint and he said " NO " and Hall did not mention that he had been assaulted , racially or otherwise , therefore there was no need to take the name of the other party !
There seems to be a lot of stick for our legal system on this thread. Decisions aren't arbitrary, they don't turn on what side of bed the judge got out of. Safeguards are built into the system so that if someone is given an inappropriate sentence then this will be corrected on appeal. Hall's appeal shows that the system works.
Just got back from Court 3.

Sentence reduced to twelve weeks suspended for 12 months, attached condition to the suspension order that Hall satisfactorily complete 150 hours unpaid community service.

Having sat through the appeal and having seen what evidence there was and the CCTV footage, which was basically the evidence, thought it was a close call but I think justice was done. To clear one thing up, the Court accepted that the CCTV wasn't clear enough and from the right angle to determine whether the kick landed on the upper body or, possibly the lower face.

Thought it was a very fair hearing, Crown barrister was not too great but Hall's barrister was good, right on the ball and was able to quote timings from the CCTV to within the second so had obviously prepared well and hit just the right note of contrition for the Justices I felt.
Good to see a full public gallery and a good representation from the club, TB, Easton, etc., to which the barrister referred.

Barrister also stated that the club fully intend to stand by Hall.

Incidentally, according to the court Hall has no previous convictions but did receive a caution for criminal damage in November, IIRC, 2007.

Also came out that Clohessy was given a caution for his part in the incident.

Something I found a little strange was that no evidence of injury could be submitted with regard to the guy that Hall kicked because he and all the other protagonists remain unidentified as they all refused to make a complaint and all refused to give the police their details, I'm sure I won't be the only one that finds it strange that you can get away with refusing to give your name, etc, to a police officer in a case such as this. Think it also gives a little indication as to how much they contributed to the incident.

Also good to report that there were no little smiles or smirks from Hall or anyone from the club just a fair bit of thank yous and shaking of barristers hands and a lot of relieved looks. Did mention to Easton that I thought it was a close one and a salutory lesson to which he replied 'tell us about it.' Hope that it is taken as a shot across the bows and we see no more court appearances, at least for this sort of thing, certainly from Hall's body language I don't think we'll be seeing him anywhere near a court any time soon.

Thanks Cockle - much appreciated
Good news from a footballing point of view although I believe that common sense may just about have prevailed here.Hope Ryan will realise that he has'nt just been let off, but shown rightful leniency.Also hope this gives him a fresher mental state that allows his undoubted footballing skills to flourish further.
shocking decision, so much for the legal system, nice to see he accepted a caution for criminal damage back in 2007!! my crystal palace sources indicated as much

still most of you on here are happy, and I though sturrocks comments in the echo this morning shocking. If sturrock junior was the victim of an assault similar to halls victim!! would sturrock still be happy and not want his assailant jailed?? Still I expect in a couple of seasons time, Hall will have moved on to pastures new, and all of this and the expense involved forgotten about. And dont forget "alledged racist attack"