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5 Subs now allowed


Jun 16, 2018
From Friday, 5 subs now allowed to be brought on

I'm not in favour.

This would seem to favour those teams with bigger squads.

And an ideal opportunity for time wasting - imagine leading 1-0 and it gets to injury time and you have only used 1 sub so far. Bring on sub no. 2; wait for the ball to go out and bring on sub no. 3. Tell a player to go down injured. Bring on the physio - you get the picture.

Even more fustrating might be if we were looking for a win against a team with 10 team men say. The last few minutes could easily match a Marx Brothers film for farse.
Like taking your time at restarts if you’re winning , this will just be another excuse to time waste and disrupt the game even further.
Really don’t like this.

I did hear an idea that you can make 5 substitutions, but only in 3 substitution breaks. I don't know if that has been implemented, but it would go some way to stopping the timewasting.
It might be helpful to us to ease returning players in gently (Hart, Akinola, Macca) - if you're going to give them 45 minutes game time, that's not a problem if you've got 4 other subs available.
WTF...................60's,70's & 80's, one sub, heavier balls, picked up pass backs to Keepers, hard tackles, wet sponges, no VAR, no Goal Line Tech, very little diving, Officials not miked up, no BLM, no politics, no PC, real characters and not wannabes, jumpers for goalposts etc etc etc..............Proper Football. Not this lesser wimpish form of football we now have.
WTF...................60's,70's & 80's, one sub, heavier balls, picked up pass backs to Keepers, hard tackles, wet sponges, no VAR, no Goal Line Tech, very little diving, Officials not miked up, no BLM, no politics, no PC, real characters and not wannabes, jumpers for goalposts etc etc etc..............Proper Football. Not this lesser wimpish form of football we now have.
It’s better that goalkeepers can’t pick up pass backs. How is goal line technology a bad thing? Where is politics involved in football? The rest of the post is just strange. You’re essentially complaining that there isn’t enough discrimination in football anymore, bizarre.
It might be helpful to us to ease returning players in gently (Hart, Akinola, Macca) - if you're going to give them 45 minutes game time, that's not a problem if you've got 4 other subs available.

They need to be registered first.
WTF...................60's,70's & 80's, one sub, heavier balls, picked up pass backs to Keepers, hard tackles, wet sponges, no VAR, no Goal Line Tech, very little diving, Officials not miked up, no BLM, no politics, no PC, real characters and not wannabes, jumpers for goalposts etc etc etc..............Proper Football. Not this lesser wimpish form of football we now have.

I'm with you. Far too many rule changes and fads that remove so much fibre and back bone from the game.

And we should go back to replays in cup games - as many as it takes. If a manager doesn't want an extra game then commit more players forward and go for the win - don't moan about it to the press after the game and blame others.
Here at Colchester we love this change, our manager uses his subs regularly in games so it gives us plenty of versatility. We currently have a 1st team squad of 34 although 4 of those are out on loan to other clubs and 4 others are injured, but their injuries are almost healed now. With 7 subs on the bench it gives the chance to give a few extra players a taste of 1st team experience.
Here at Colchester we love this change, our manager uses his subs regularly in games so it gives us plenty of versatility. We currently have a 1st team squad of 34 although 4 of those are out on loan to other clubs and 4 others are injured, but their injuries are almost healed now. With 7 subs on the bench it gives the chance to give a few extra players a taste of 1st team experience.
Any you can spare us? They don’t have to be decent just half decent. Cheers in advance.
It’s better that goalkeepers can’t pick up pass backs. How is goal line technology a bad thing? Where is politics involved in football? The rest of the post is just strange. You’re essentially complaining that there isn’t enough discrimination in football anymore, bizarre.

Maybe he just misses the involvement of the National Front in football?