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Post-Match Thread and Ratings Barrow 1-2 Southend United - Relegation Confirmed


I’m a Mod, that’s unpossible⭐⭐
Staff member
Dec 21, 2003
Close but no cigar.

Southend United relegated out of the football league. :Frustrated:

You know what to do folks.
Today’s win feels pretty hollow now doesn’t it?

I always had a slight glimmer of hope that somehow we would stay up, even though realistically relegation has basically been inevitable all season.

Maybe I just didn’t want to believe it...
So since PB came in
2W 2D 1L
8 points
Average 1.6 points per game
72 points equivalent
Play off form
PB should have been here earlier. BTW that’s a 40% win rate which is also what PB delivered in his first 5 year stint.
Let hope he signs for next season quickly and starts to build now for what we need to get back up.
Two wins out of two.. good performances so it's something to end the season on.

Egbri is a big driver for the midfield and have missed him. Defense wise, it's actually pretty good and has been for ages. There is a solid core to keep for next season.... if they want to be here.
It has been coming but a sad day for the club. Just wish Ron had rolled the dice with a managerial change a bit earlier. We go again next season
I think this is the fourth relegation I've experienced and this one by far feels the worst. It's going to take us years and years to rebuild the damage that Ron has inflicted on this club.

Out of interest, are we the first club to go down from L1-Non League back to back since Stockport 2008-2010? Just look at where they are now if you want an idea of how tough this is going to be...
Although you knew this was coming....it’s still a sad sad day and feel really down :Sorry:
Oh well that's that then!! Brown should have come in earlier and the PE teacher should never have been given the job in the first place! It's only a game and worse things can happen then getting relegated! Wont effect my life in anyway !! But looking forward to winning the national league and playing different teams! It does get boring playing the same old crappy teams every year!!
I think this is the fourth relegation I've experienced and this one by far feels the worst. It's going to take us years and years to rebuild the damage that Ron has inflicted on this club.

Out of interest, are we the first club to go down from L1-Non League back to back since Stockport 2008-2010? Just look at where they are now if you want an idea of how tough this is going to be...

Could be wrong, but I think...Chesterfield? Either way, it's all ugly reading
Let's face it....Phil Brown gave us two wins two draws and a loss, despite some of the ****e that was performed by some of our players. Halford, RHF and Hart were dreadful today and not for the first time. Rush and Egbri (who has really stepped up last couple of games) showed what was needed. Hobson, White, Cordner solid. Oxley made a couple of good saves too. It's so sad that with just a bit more effort and commitment in a couple of games (and without that Oxley Bolton debacle) we would just be safe. There are a LOT of players I don't want to see here next season.